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y/n and yunjin are currently eating in the cafeteria sitting across from each other.

what's up with her? she's been studying so quietly lately y/n thought while she's looking at yunjin munching her food looking at her notes.

did she finally come to her sense? i really hope things stay this way!

"by the way, why are you carrying around that golden spoon? are you trying to show off?" y/n questioned. "if you keep doing that, people are gonna think you're an eyesore"

"you see, that's the point of carrying it around with me" yunjin said.

"plus, i don't wanna use the same spoon and chopsticks that you guys use." Yunjin blunt.

"it seems like you enjoy being hated so much" y/n groan.

"argh, can't you see I'm trying to study here?" Yunjin hissed.

"you shouldn't get distracted this easily! come on! focus!" y/n exclaimed.

yunjin just glared at y/n with no sign of looking away, y/n gulp.

"oh my god! y/n? is that you!?" someone suddenly butted in.

you two looked up and saw a girl.

"i can't believe you're here! when did you transfer here?" the girl asked.

"uh? who are...."

"it's me Yu jimin but people usually calls me karina! we went to chungjeong middle school together!" karina said.


that's karina? yunjin thought.

"don't you recognize me? i guess i don't blame you, i did lose a few pounds so i look a little different!"-karina

yunjin rolled her eyes.

"anyway, so nice to see you! how long has it been?" karina asked.

"um, yeah, good to see you" y/n said awkwardly.

"t-that's it? you don't.....have anything else to say?" Karina questioned nervously.

"sorry. Honestly, i don't really remember" y/n said.

karina then laugh awkwardly and said "stop playing around, it's not funny, silly"

"i was sitting right in front of you in class, remember?" she added.

"really? we were in the same class?"-y/n

karina widen her eyes because how come y/n doesn't remember?

"argh, you guys are so noisy!" yunjin groan and stand up as she starts walking away.

"hey, where are you going?" y/n asked and run after her.

y/n turn her head to karina and said "it was nice seeing you. Later!"

"wait, she really doesn't remember me? did she ever even notice me?" karina asked herself.

"so she's still being such a cool jerk. Ah! she's so perfect!" karina exclaimed.

the students around her looked at her thinking that she's loosing her mind.

[At the library]

y/n and yunjin are busy studying peacefully.....to be honest just yunjin, y/n just looking at her notes but not actually reading it.

Was she really sitting in front of me? How come I don't remember her at all? y/n thought and then someone interrupted making her snapped out of her thoughts.

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