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yunjin stood with her arms crossed, clearly impatient. "how long is this gonna take?" she groaned.

i sighed before responding, "i told you there's gonna be a lot of people." i gestured towards the lengthy line.

"stop saying that!" yunjin snapped, her anger seeping into her words. "If you're going to keep complaining, just go home already." she crossed her arms, her expression defiant.

"I'm just worried about you, are you sure you'll be okay?" I replied, looking at her with a look of worry and sincerity.

"no need to waste time talking" she said decisively before pulling out her phone "let's just choose a ride already."

"what about Jay?" i asked, "didn't you contact him? he always wanted to hang out with you."

"i bet they have someone following him by now in order to find me." she muttered under her breath, her gaze fixed on her phone as she scrolled through it.

i remained silent.

when should i report that I'm with yunjin? if i do, are they gonna come and catch her?

"how about we start with the roller coaster?" she suggested, showing me a video on her phone of the ride, "i heard it's loads of fun." she smiled as she scanned through her phone, searching for the next ride.

"you seem pretty excited about it" i remarked as my smile widening.

"I'm not like you" she with a scoff, but i could see the twinkle in her eye that betrayed her true feelings, "I'm not all that excited, i just brought you here because you've never been to an amusement park in seoul and since you're here already, might as well give it a chance, and I'll be your tour guide."

she paused, her expression suddenly switching from playful to worry, "wait, are you scared of rides or something? will they be too scary for you?"

"who would be scared of rides made for kids?" i taunted with a smirk, looking at the towering ride she'd pointed out, "i could ride this while standing."

"are you sure it's not you who's scared? i bet you'll faint before we even make it to the top" i teased playfully, laughing gleefully.

"shut up and stop scaring me" she grumbled, her tone laced with mock annoyance.

"since you're so scared, why not go to the zoo and play with the monkeys there instead?" I teased, my voice dripping with playful sarcasm.

but she quickly responded with a witty retort, her eyes gleaming with mischief, "what do you mean? I'm already playing with a monkey right now" she said, pointing at me with a wink.

i shot her a playful glare before bursting into laughter, appreciating her quick wit.

guess I'll report after playing a little.


"whoa, that looks insane!" i said, my voice filled with wonder as we ascended the stairs to the start of the queue.

"did you see that?" i added, pointing towards the person who had fainted, "they really fainted up there!" i turned to yunjin, trying to gauge her response. She was either excited or scared out of her wits.

"You don't have to push yourself if you aren't comfortable--" I started to say, but before I could finish, she interrupted me with a burst of excitement.

"I'm so excited!" it seemed she was the fearless one, while i was the fearful one.



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