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i made her sit first and told her to wait for me 'cause I'm gonna buy some things for her wound.


i grabbed the water bottle and pour it on a tissue as i start cleaning her wound gently.

"this is worst than i thought, is it hurt?" i asked softly.

"I'm fine, it's no big deal, give me the band aids" yunjin said.

"no, let me do this for you." i insist.

"gotta dry it out first" i said as soon as I'm done wiping the blood away and blow it to dry.

"you really caught me off guard, you have to let me know if you're hurt next time, okay? you promise?" i said as i look at her.

after the staring contest for a 5 seconds she finally spoke "do you really like me? what do you like about me?" yunjin questioned without looking away.

i looked away and said "w-why do you want to know all of the sudden?"

"i was just wondering" she said and sigh, "come on, tell me, you like me a little more because of my family background, right?" she asked or let's just say making sure.

i look at her and shook my head "I don't care whether you're the granddaughter, owner, director, or whatever of the hk group"

"i have standards, you know?" i said as i open the band aids.

she then suddenly laugh "you really like me because of my appearance? are you for real?"

"whatever, you care about looks too, don't you? don't say you don't!" i glared playfully.

"just so you know, i've got high standards too, it doesn't matter what you try, nothing's gonna change, so don't go and cry yourself to sleep." yunjin said.

"I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend, don't get ahead of yourself" i respond. "the other foot!" i said as i gently place her foot down.

whew, what a relief!

"hey, can i ask you a question?" i asked as i rip the band aid cover.


"why do you refer to your grandmother as the ceo?" i questioned as i placed the band aid on her wound.

"what....do you mean?"

"it's just....that's what you called her before" i looked at her but she's looking at the view.

"whatever i call her, it's got nothing to do with you" she blunt.

"I've never seen anyone refer to a family member in that way. Is that how people at the hk group call each other at home?" i asked confusedly.

she remain silent for a seconds and say "she doesn't see me as her family"

i look at her in shocked.

"I'm just a replacement for my father and an accessory to make her look good" she dropped the bomb.

i gently put her foot down and hope in beside her.

"what? no way, you're her only granddaughter, there's no way she thinks of you that way." i said.

"why not have a serious conversation with her? you might regret it later if you don't" i suggested.

"you might not have a lot of time later--" i didn't get the chance to finished my words when she interrupted me.

"shut up, you don't know anything about her" yunjin expressed. "you go and live with her, then you'll know what kind of person she is. It'll feel like a living in a hell every day."

"how can you say that? has something happened between you two?" i questioned but she just raised her middle finger at me.

i sigh and shake the dust off from my pants.


"let her worried for all i care, that's what i want anyway."

no way.

is the reason she's been acting out because of....

"if she's that unbearable to live with, why didn't you run away from home? if i were you, I'd have run away already." i said while admiring the beautiful view in front of me.

"well, actually i have, but it wasn't all that fun, and i didn't know what to do....I've never done anything but study." yunjin said and i looked at her.

"i guess it's the same for me too, I've always had part-time jobs, i didn't have much time to do anything, most of the time i just went to internet cafes with my buddies." i opened myself to her.

"you've had part-time jobs? is your family poor?" yunjin asked.

"h-huh? no, no! i just wanted some new life experiences!" i exclaimed as i nervously laugh.

"the night view here is fantastic, isn't it? look! the weather is so nice and the skies are so clear that i can see everything!" i said trying to shrug the topic off that we just had.

"what do you think? was it worth the hike up here?" i asked looking at the view.


"you go home first, i can go by myself!" yunjin said pushing me away.

"you have other plans, don't you? I'm not leaving unless you head straight home." i crossed my arms.

"are you serious?! with my feet like this? i am heading straight home! just go!" she insist and keep on pushing me away.

"can you wiggle your toes for me?" i asked looking at her feet.

"argh! you're being annoying!" she groans.


a car pulled out in front of us.

whew, mission accomplished.

Ms. Miyawaki got off the car.

"hey y/n, think of somewhere we can go next." yunjin said without looking at me.

i turn my head to her in shocked.

"what? are we going somewhere?" i asked.

"didn't you say you haven't done much because of work? I'm willing to hang out with you so think about where you wanna go" she replied, "oh and for your information, no need to worry about money, just come up with a good itinerary."


"miss yunjin!" Ms. Miyawaki called out for yunjin.

"I won't ever hang out with you again if it's anything like today." she blunt.

"what?? you wanna hang out with me again? why??" i asked in surprised that she wants to hang out with me again.

"i thought you had to study??" i added.

"what are you saying? weren't you listening?" she frown as she walked up to Ms. Miyawaki.

"h-hey! wait!" i said.

"did you have fun?" Ms. Miyawaki asked yunjin.

"we just went hiking."

"really?" Ms. Miyawaki chuckled.

"is she your classmate?" Ms. Miyawaki asked yunjin as she turned her head to me.

"h-hi, it's pleasure to meet you" i greet.

"she said she's into me" yunjin whisper to Ms. Miyawaki.

Ms. Miyawaki and i widen our eyes.

"what?!" Ms. Miyawaki shouted and stare at me.

oh god, please save me.

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