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"did you guys hear about yunjin? she was jealous of her friends that were preparing for the same international high school exam that she cut them from their private tutoring!"

"what really?!"

"i heard their grades got so bad that they couldn't even apply. I heard they were super smart!"

"i feel so bad for them!"

"but why? I thought she was already at the top of her class!"

"you idiot, if she really was that smart, she wouldn't be at our school, would she?"

"she just tries to use her money for everything."

"this world sucks! fucking sucks! for real!"

the students around the campus murmured.

y/n looked at her classmates as they were murmuring about yunjin.

"I can't stand you. You screwed bitch!" one of their classmates groan at yunjin.


you and yunjin are walking and the students can't stop murmuring, it's annoying you.

"what's everybody going on about?! they don't know what they're talking about. How annoying." you glared at them.

"hey, don't concern yourself with what they're saying" you cheered her up. "people just like to gossip without hearing the other side of the story" you added.

"they don't even know what they are talking about, so dumb. They're just rumors, so don't take it to the heart" you smiled but it didn't last longer when she suddenly laughed like a maniac.

"what if it's real? what if I really did do it?" yunjin looked back at you since she was walking ahead of you.


"it's true, i stopped them from getting tutored. I was just so annoyed at how they thought they were good enough to get accepted into that high school." she blunt.


"what? now you feel disgusted too? why the hell should I care about those commoners think?" yunjin scoffed.

"yunjin, you...."

"you can leave me alone now. Not like a care what you think about me either." she turned and walk away.


yunjin entered the cubicle and closed the toilet lid and sat on it.

she sigh and open her book.

"EAT THIS! YOU BITCH!" someone shouted from the outside of cubicle.


meanwhile, you're infront of the restroom waiting for her.

what did I expect from her? It's not like I didn't know what kind of person she was from the beginning you hissed.

but....what if things get worse than they are right now? you nervously thought.

"I thought everything was going smoothly from now on!!" you groan.

three girls walked out of the restroom laughing at each other.

"hey, do you smell any shit on me?" yeji asked chaewon while checking if she do smell like a shit.

"don't you even dare to touch me!" chaewon glared at yeji as she step away from her.

"what is she doing here?" chaewon asked when she sees you. "is she really waiting for yunjin?"

"does she even have any feelings or sense of morality?" yeji asked.

The Shadow Of Yunjin Where stories live. Discover now