chapter eight

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Vampire Aves...

Howard's mansion

Katie's POV*

"Who is there?"

I asked moving back and a boy came into view, he seemed to be around Alex's age " who are you?" I questioned again.

"I should be asking you that" he said "what is a human doing in my house?" He asked and I finally noticed that he had similar features with Anna, blonde hair and deep red eyes.

"Well...." I started "you came here with the De'vera girl right?" he said in a distasteful tone "Isabella?" I asked.

"yes,that one" he said with a small frown ...

"You seem to hold a grudge against her" I said and he scoffed "I have nothing against her, just her brother.....that-" I cut him off "Alex?" I asked and he gave me a look.

'it is not surprising if anyone holds a grudge against Alex....he is not the kindest'.

"It is unfortunate that the next ball will be held at the De'vera's mansion" he said walking closer to me "why is a human at the De'vera's mansion, except...."he stared down at me.

"You do not seem like a slave" he said.

I did not say a thing "what is your name?" He asked "Katherine" I said "I am Charles, Charles Howard" he said  and I gave him a small smile "Pleasure to meet you" I said

"And if I may ask, why do you resent Alex so much?" I asked genuinely curious.

"Our families are good friends, his mother and mine especially, so of course they will want us to be friends too especially since we are within the same age range" he paused and looked at me

"How old are you?" He asked "Eleven" I replied ." Oh..."

"Please, continue" I said

"Of course, I was over at their mansion while my sister and his sister were together, doing whatever ladies do, Alex and I were playing together, we both went into the forest and found this egg-"

my mind immediately went to the egg back at the mansion. It has been 2 years and nothing has changed.

"Well,he found the egg ,we took it in and Aunt Uriel asked us to throw it out and I just listened like the obedient child that I am and took it out"

" he asked me to give it back and not to throw it but Aunt Uriel said to throw it away, I threw the egg and he just scratched me with his nails"

He pulled the collar of his coat and showed two faint scar lines on his neck.

"I thought vampires have healing abilities" I said staring at the scar it was faint but it was there, quite obvious "That is the problem, it does not heal entirely I do not know why" he said in a frustrated voice.

I remembered Liam also still had a tiny scar on his head from his incident with Alex "My friends made fun of me, saying I got beaten up by a boy younger than me " he said.

"I see.." I mumbled "He was young and childish then,he is less stubborn now,maybe you two can still be friends" I said

"Never" he snapped and I jumped back a bit. "How can you put up with him ,can anyone even be friends with him" Charles said and I only smiled  a bit.

" I need to get back to Isabella" I said.....

"Alright,it was a pleasure meeting you" he said lowering his head a bit and I just stood there "Are you not leaving?" He asked.

"I do not know my way back" I laughed nervously and he smiled "Follow me " I followed him and we made small conversations on our way back.

He seemed like such a kind person when he is not talking about Alex, I also found out he is fourteen years old just a year older than Alex.

"Goodbye Katherine, I hope to see you at ball" he said "Of course, goodbye" I said and turned walking towards Isabella and the others.

"Katie, you are back I was about to come look for you, it is time to leave ,Alex must be boiling now " she laughed and I did too.

I noticed Evelyn frown at the joke, Isabella got up "We will be leaving now,see you all at the ball, goodbye" she said

"Goodbye" they replied " Good-bye Katherine" Jane said and I waved at her as Isabella and I exited the mansion.

"What took you so long?" Isabella asked as we got into the carriage "I missed my way and I also met Anna's brother we made a small conversation" I said and Isabella stared at me.

"Alex will not like that" she chuckled as the carriage began to move .

"You know about their fight?" I asked " I do not know much but I do know they do not  speak to each other anymore" she said and I only nodded .

We soon started talking about the ball and Isabella mentioned another ball "There is another ball?" I asked.

"Yes, one that happens every four years, it was made by the headcouncil to enhance the peaceful coexistence of all the realms,I attended my first one 2 years ago before you arrived" she said.

"The seasonal ball  that will be held in two days is just for vampires, every other creature will hold a ball in their realms tomorrow too, it happens once a year" she explained I nodded.

"The next general ball is in two years?" I asked and she nodded "And we will be attending" Isabella said smiling .

"Only the vampires here in Elmore will be at our mansion for the ball, vampires at Almore will celebrate in Almore" she added

I remember Alex saying Almore is where the regular vampires reside.
We made small talks untill we arrived at home .
It was late evening , I went up to Alex room after greeting lady Uriel I went in and saw him reading of course.

He did not look up but I knew he saw me  enter . "What are you reading?" I asked climbing on while peeking into the book.

"About the council" he said looking at me "How was your trip?" he asked "it was fun" I said "you met Isabella's loud friends?" He asked.

"Not loud, but yes I did" I replied "you enjoyed it?" He asked staring down at me "of course" I said with a smile and his lip twitched into a ghost smile and it was gone like the expression was never there...

"Good" he said picking up the book again .

"I met Charles too" I said and he looked at me quickly "who?" He asked "Charles" I said again and he squinted his eyes.

"Who is Charles?" He asked and I furrowed my brows "Anna's brother" I said "oh....his name is Charles" he said like he just learnt something new. '

did he not say they were friends,how come he does not know his name'.

"You do not know him?" I asked " I do ,did he speak to you?" He asked quickly "Yes" I said "oh..." He said going back to the book again not meeting my eyes.

"He told me about your fight" I said and he frowned a bit mumbling "we fought?" I stared at him with a done look.

"I do not really remember irrelevant things" he said .

"He said, you two used to be friends" I said and he scoffed  "I tolerated him" he said "and why was he talking to you?" he said.

"I think you two can be friends again" I said ignoring his question "We were never friends, he killed my pet" he said.

"The egg?" I asked "no, before the egg, I had a phoenix bird" he paused.

"He killed it with an arrow" he said his speech getting slower. I knew I was making him talk more than he normally does.

"He-" I started but he cut me off "he told you about the egg?" He mumbled and I nodded "whatever he said was true" he went back to the book.

"Oh ...." Was all I said "he did not tell me the entire story then" I said and he only nodded.

"You have to attend this ball you can not avoid it this time" I smiled and he stared at me before shaking his head, I laughed and got off the bed I went to take a shower.

I came out and just lie down and fall asleep on the bed....

End of chapter eight,what do y'all think? Tell Me your thoughts in the comments!🤍


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