chapter 30

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Disclaimer!! ⚠️: I realized some chapters don't appear because of fault from Wattpad,while reading make sure to keep track of the chapters so you won't miss out ❣️ if the chapter doesn't appear you can reload! That's it, enjoy🤍.

Katherine's POV:

I was waiting in Isabella's room, Isabella is still asleep and I am waiting on Alex's arrival. There was a knock on Isabella's door that woke her from her sleep .

"Come in" I spoke and the door opened Alex came in first,then the physician. The man has only ever come to check on my health since vampires can not get sick.

"Lady Katherine" he greeted with a smile "pleasant evening, sire" I greeted back.

Alex stood against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

"What seems to be the issue?" He asked as he approached Isabella.

"She has been vomiting and she is very sick" I answered for her. he nodded with a small hum

The man moved closer dropping the box he was carrying on the floor.

"How are you feeling,milady?" He asked her.

"Lightheaded" she replied her eyes slightly droopy.

I moved back from Isabella's side ,in order for the physician to get closer to examine her with his glove covered hands.

Alex was staring,his face holding no expression I wondered if he was worried at all...

The physician examined Isabella, he stared at her eyes.... they were not as deep colored as they used to be. Her eye color is lighter than normal.

"May I ?" He asked Isabella that nodded .

Pulling the covers slightly he gently placed his palm on her stomach.

There was pin drop silence in the room. I glanced at Alex. He was staring at the man too.

The man's face held a small smile as he pulled back his hand.

He took off his gloves. "A vampire's eye color gets lighter when they are with child" he said putting the gloves in the box.

I frowned for a while Isabella and I shared a confused look. untill...

"Congratulations, milady" he smiled at her as he got up to leave.

My eyes got wider in realization. I rushed to Isabella's side.

"Did you hear that? You are with child,you are having a baby!" I said in excitement holding her hands as Alex escorted the man outside.

Rather than being excited Isabella looked the opposite.

"You do not seem excited...what is wrong?do you not want a child?" I asked concerned.

She shook her head as tears slipped down her cheeks .

"I do want a is just.." she trailed off when her voice cracked a bit.

"Oh..." I mumbled.

The child must belong to Adrian...

I smiled at her "do not cry isa, the fact that you are with his child does not mean this is not good news" I said.

"I wish mother was here Katie" she cried and I hugged her i felt tears form in my eyes too.

We pulled back from the hug. "It will all be alright, focus on your baby now" I said softly, she nodded

Isabella excused herself and went into the bathroom. I sat down thinking to myself.

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