chapter 25

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Vampire Aves

Katherine's POV

A day before Uriel's death

I woke up very late ,it was evening already I remembered today is the day Isabella's fiance is coming over.

While going down the stairs I saw Alex,his clothes were soaked in red liquid,I frowned as he stared at me before going up the stairs.

I was too tired to think ,I head to the kitchen to get water ,I saw a young man,he took a tray from the maid with a smile as he dismissed the maid.

I blinked wondering who that was,once the maid was out of sight he pulled out something from his pocket, he turned and I could not see anymore.

My eyes were still hazy with sleep, I dragged my feet to the kitchen,to get water..when i got back he was gone.

Maybe I imagined it..

End of flashback*

"I did not know...I  could have stopped it if I knew " i mumbled tears slipping.

While Alex stared at me before taking a step back . "Alex-" I called as he exited the room ignoring my call.

I slumped on the bed,why did I not think that might have been the case.

I decided to go check on Isabella, I wonder what Isabella's reaction will be on finding out about this.

I opened the door to Isabella's room,she was lying on the bed her eyes closed ,I approached her and her eyes snapped open scaring me a bit .

"Katie" she called sitting up "hello there" I smiled a bit. "I decided to come check on you" .

"I am alright,thank you"

It went quiet.

"I wrote a letter to Adrian about mother's death,I am yet to get a reply,he must be busy with the pack " she sighed

And I could feel my head pounding,I know she can hear it .

"Are you alright Katie?"

"I- I am"

"Your heart rate is moving quite fast" she frowned.

"I am alright, Isa" I smiled.

"Is there- is there want to tell me?"

I shook my head negative.

The door opened and we both looked at the door, it was Alex,he only stared at us before closing the door again.

"I should leave" I got up immediately Alex left,i held up my dress.

She gave me a look. "You are not hiding anything from me are you.... Katherine?" She stood up staring intently at me.

"I will leave now" i smiled and left hurriedly.

'a way to be subtle' I thought with a sigh.

I went to Alex room.

I hoped he was not planning to go to red moon town....

He is reading a book while sipping on  tea.
"You should go down to eat" he mumbled.

I stared at him,when did he start to care if I ate or not.

I hope he is not going to red moon town,that would really be a problem.

He will be outnumbered if he goes... knowing him ,he would like to go alone.

And if the news spread, considering the De'vera's status in vampire Aves, it will cause a war between vampires and werewolves.

I know the vampires have been itching for a fight....i hear them talk about it everytime i go out for tea with lady Uriel.

I stared at Alex as I exited the room .I went down stairs and I heard Isabella's voice.

"How could you , father!?"

"It has only been days! Did you- did you even love mother" she whispered as I approached the scene.

I saw Alex's father ,and a lady also another lady who is younger.

I did not understand what was going on .

Isabella glared at the lady.

"I despise you father,I do hope you join  mother soon" she spat and stormed off.

I immediately followed still confused.

"Isa" I held up my dress as I followed quickly.

She went in her room slamming the door,I flinched and opened it gently she was crying again.

"Isa, what happened? Are you alright?"

I sat next to her .

"I despise him so much...what happened ?when did all this happen,have we been so blind..." she spoke more to herself than to me.

"Speak to me Isabella, what happened?" I placed my hand on the Small of her back.

"Father....he committed adultery" she cried

"He already has another child,and now he brought them here to leave with us ,just a day after mother's death"

I opened my mouth only to close it again. I was lost of words. I was beyond shocked ,is Alex aware ?

'why is all this happening?'

"Do not cry Isa,it will not undo the already done" I mumbled.

"All this very tiring, mother died,we are still unaware of the cause of her death,I found out father is a promiscuous man,and-and Adrian is yet to reply my letter" she cried again

"And you are hiding something from me Katherine" she mumbled.

My hand halted from rubbing her back, 'is it right to tell her?'

No one will be happy to know that their fiance poisoned and killed their mother.

I sighed.

"Do you trust me?" I asked she looked confused but she nodded.

"How much do you trust me, Isa" i stared at her .

"More than myself"

"You really trust me?"

"Yes, Katherine is anything wro-"

"More than Adrian?"

She paused.

"Pardon?" She frowned.

"Do you trust me more than Adrian, Isa?" She went quiet.

"I do " she finally replied

"T-then ,will you believe if I told you.. Adrian killed mother?" I said gently.

"No....I do not ..." She stared in my eyes.

"Please do tell you are joking Katie" she pleaded.

"I am .. not,he was holding the tea and-"

"He served mother tea...." She mumbled.

"But it can not possibly be true
" she shook her head.

" Why would must be a misunderstanding,he can not-"

"I saw him Isa,he was being very district I did not think much of it because I was still sleepy,and ..... I thought nothing can harm a vampire especially not kill them"

"" ,no " she shook her head and I watched also feeling heartbroken..

I could only imagine.

End of chapter

I am stopping here tonight cuz I am veryyyyy sleepy,

So see y'all later byeee.

IntroAmy ^⁠_⁠^

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