chapter 22

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Guys!!thank you so much for 200 reads ,this is improvement 😗ahhh, anyways thank you so much 🫶
Now to the story.

Vampire Aves

The next morning

Katherine woke up very early,just to rush Isabella's room to tell her about her nightmare.

In Isabella's room

Katherine sat down on Isabella's bed , Isabella rubbed her eyes that was still clouded with sleep, Katherine had come into her room it was still Dawn the sun was peeking but not fully out yet

"What is the matter Katherine?" Isabella yawned blinking tiredly at the girl that was sitting on her bed." I had a nightmare" she started immediately "and it really scared me" Katherine continued

"What was it about?" Isabella asked ,the sleepiness slowly exiting her body "it was about mother" she said and Isabella frowned "I was unable to wake up from the nightmare,it was the reason i slept so long " Katherine trailed off fidgeting with her fingers "what happened in the nightmare,Katie " isabella pushed.

"I dreamt of mother....that she ,she passed away" Katherine said and Isabella frowned " it is just a dream,do not-"  "ahhh!!!!" A scream was heard causing Katie and Isabella to spring off the bed , Isabella stared at Katherine with slight fear creeping in .

"Come on" they both went down the stairs, Isabella ahead and Katherine following closely behind, they saw a number of servants standing in front of..... Uriel's room . Isabella slowed down as Alex also came into view. Katherine's heart sped up not knowing what to expect.

'it can not ... possibly' she thought Alex pushed through the maids into his mother's room ,he saw his mother lying down on her bed....lifeless .He walked closer and knelt next to her bed "mother " he mumbled his hand resting on her cheek .

She was not moving "Alex" he heard Katherine's voice and she came to kneel next to him. Katherine stared at Uriel's unmoving body her skin was very pale almost turning into a gray color her eyes were wide open and a trail of black blood went down the side of her mouth.

"M-mother" she called gently and swallowed the lump in her throat "mother" she called again and stared at Alex " Alex..." She called tears already forming in her eyes "mother!" She called louder "Alex, she's not answering" she stared at him while his eyes never left his mother ,his eyes were cold and they held no emotion.

"Mother" she shook her slightly everything seemed to get blurry. Katherine could feel her head pounding her vision blurred with tears she could hear faint cries of the maids that were still standing at the door "Alex, she is not .... vampires can not die , right?" She asked looking at him tears spilling uncontrollably, he did not reply " she is not .....mother!" she shook her again "please wake up " she pleaded letting out a sob . while holding Uriel's hand was cold.

The maids watched while sobbing, Isabella stood outside away from the room her hands clutched her dress tightly as she stared down she could hear Katherine speaking inside.she stared at the floor shaking her head and tears fell onto the marble floor.

She could not believe it ,her mother could not be dead ,she could not be they had spoken the night before, they made plans for her wedding,she can not be ... Isabella sobbed as she sat on the floor crying .Her mother was dead ,she was gone .

Alex moved his hand from his mother's face ,he moved his hand to her opened eyes and closed it,he got up leaving a weeping Katherine he approached the maids that stood at the door "who came to her room first ?" He asked and the maids stared at each other until a brunette maid raised her hand slowly.

"It was was I ,young master,I-i brought her morning tea to her room and ... and I saw her lying down that w-way ,i -i got scared a-and.." Alex eyes moved to the broken tea cup on the floor with the content spilled.

"You..tell the guards to close the door, nobody leaves until the council gets here,go back to your work and...clean this mess " he spoke referring to the broken cup "y-yes,young master" the servants dispersed from the door.

Alex took one glance and his mother's body and Katherine before heading to his room to write a letter to the council. He stopped in front of his sister that was still crying while sitting on the floor,he said nothing and head to his room.

Isabella got up after a while taking gentle steps towards her mother's room where Katherine was sitting on the floor with her head resting on the bed while holding Uriel's hand ,she was no longer crying but she kept hiccuping from shed tears.

Isabella approached slowly ,her lips quivering ever so slightly, she knelt next to Katherine,and Katherine raised her head to stare at who had just entered. Isabella stared at her mother as more tears spilled from her eyes she let out a choked sob as she sniffled.

"Mother"she called in a raspy voice ,her hand moved to her mother's feet as she rubbed it slightly before placing a gentle kiss on it "rest well,mother" she whispered.

"No ,no " Katherine clenched her teeth sobbing again "mother" she called grasping her hand tightly "mother , please" Katie said and Isabella stared at her sadly, Katherine was treated like the last child of the family by Uriel,she grew very attached to the older woman.

Katherine stared at Isabella,and the older girl pulled her into a hug as she cried harder, Isabella rubbed small circles on her back untill she calmed down. Katherine pulled back eyes very puffy and cheeks flustered from crying,she sniffled rubbing her eye.

Isabella's head snapped towards the door when she sensed someone approaching,Allan( Alex's father) stood by the door he stared at his dead wife merely for a second with no readable emotion on his face,he left the door and Isabella and Katherine watched him leave.

"W-what could have possibly happened..." Katherine whispered her voice cracking a bit as she spoke her eyes moved back to Uriel's body "I thought- I thought vampires can not...die" she mumbled the last part.

Isabella stared at the black blood that ran down her mother's mouth "we can ..." She whispered and Katie looked at her, Isabella's eye did not leave her mother..

"By poison"she completed..

End of chapter 22*
I'm not crying 😭,you are ,..well that happened.....I hope you guys enjoyed and don't forget to vote!!

IntroAmy ^⁠_⁠^

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