chapter sixteen

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Vampire Aves...

Katie's POV

"You refuse?...." I said and turned only to stop. my breath hitched as I took a step back in slight recognition.

He took a step forward "hello Katherine" he spoke. I was quiet for a while.
A.. Alex?" I asked carefully and then I looked away closing my eyes "I am dreaming again" I mumbled to myself "but..." I opened my eyes he was just staring blankly, I rushed to embrace him.

"This feels so real" I mumbled while I felt his body stiffen under my embrace.

This feels too real......I am not dreaming, I am not dreaming "you are not " he said

"You are really back" I cried into his clothes " I am....why are you crying?" He asked I could hear the confusion in his voice as I pulled back sniffling.

I stared up at him ,he has grown so much taller and he looked more mature.

"I...I....lady Uriel said you would not be back untill after a few days" I said "....because of the storm" I added he did not say anything he only stared down at me.

I felt my cheek grow warm under his gaze he moved towards me and reached for the candleholder I have been struggling to get.

"come on" he said and turned to leave the kitchen and I followed him. 'is he not excited to be home?' I thought. His face was blank..

His eyes were cold and they held no emotion, it was different from before.... I wondered if something happened at the academy.

We got up to the room and he light up the candle while I sat in the bed watching him as if he would disappear. he took off the long coat he was wearing.

"You should go back to sleep" he said even his voice had changed it sounds deeper but still the same as before.

"Are you alright...Alex?" I asked and he paused "Do not call me that" he said not turning to look at me.

"Not call you what?....Alex?" I asked in confusion.and I spoke again when he did not reply "Alex" I called and He faced me.

"I am your master, you will not address me as Alex" he said sternly and I could only stared in surprise..

I got up "Did I do something?" I asked carefully I could not even tell if he was angry or annoyed no emotion on his face "did I?" I asked again walking closer he did not look at me and he stood unmoving.

" are not speaking" I stated gently trying to meet his eyes , he finally looked at me "You have gotten quite comfortable, you are a should behave like one" he said.

My hands clasped and I took few steps back my throat felt like it was burning as my heart quickened.

" I...I apologize" I said bowing a bit my eyes stinging with unshed tears, I stood straight and breathed out.

"I forgot" I mumbled with a small smile as I moved back with my back against the wall. I stared at him as he walked into the bathroom.

I slid down the wall, pulling my knees closer to my chest, I still could not phantom what had just happened, I stared into space, just blinking every now and then...soon I drifted to sleep.
The next morning*

Katie's POV

I woke up from another nightmare,I breathed heavily looking around, I was on the bed alone.

' it was just a nightmare' I sighed I believed that untill he came out of the bathroom ' it was not' I thought...

I did not say a thing, he exited the room only glancing at me once before shutting the door.i went into the bathroom to take my bath and I got dressed rolling up my hair into a very messy bun.

I got down the stairs and saw Alex pulled into his mother's embrace while he stood unmoving. "When did you get back?" She asked pulling back gently cupping his face with her hands "yesterday" he replied and lady Uriel glanced at me" Katherine,have you seen Alex already?" She asked with a large smile and I nodded with a smaller smile while Isabella stood staring at him.

She approached him " look how much taller you have grown " she said in amusement staring at him "I am not that tall ,you just did not grow" he said " i beg your finest pardon"she said glaring at him and lady Uriel laughed ,i stood a few good steps away from them. " We should have breakfast now" lady Uriel said and they made their way towards the dining room , while I stood there " Katie?" Isabella called stopping on her tracks " I am coming" I said and followed.

We arrived at the dining table and I sat down next to Isabella, we ate while lady Uriel and Isabella kept asking questions about Alex school I just ate quietly ,soon the table went silent i glanced up and saw that Alex father arrived at the table,he sat down holding eye contact with his son that also did not break eye contact with him. no words were shared,the maid served Alex father and he started to eat ,the once lively atmosphere was now very tense. Everyone ate in awkward silence and soon Alex father left.

We finished eating I was about to leave for the forest untill  Isabella called for me asking me to come with her to her room. I could feel Alex staring,I nodded following her up the stairs.

Isabella's room*

I sat down on her bed and she stood by the wall staring at me "is everything alright?" She asked " of course, why do you ask?" I said and she spoke " few days ago you were so ecstatic upon hearing the news of Alex arrival,but do not seem excited at all" she said staring at me while I looked down " did he say something?" She asked and I immediately shook my head "no, I am excited actually,I have just been trying to contain my excitement" I said giving her a convincing smile she tilted her head while squinting her eyes." Are you certain?" She asked and I gave her a gentle nod "I am" I said.

I know how much they care for me in this family,it made me forget that i am still a slave that was brought into this mansion years ago ,i had grown so attached that i forgot my place, Alex had made sure to remind me ,i smiled as i got off the bed exiting Isabella's room.

I left the mansion when I saw lady Uriel talking to Alex. I made my way into the forest after getting some apples from the orchard into a basket,I saw Trevor lying down looking majestic as the sunlight shone on him,his eyes were closed and I quietly approached him. I set the basket on the floor and sat down next to his head.i closed my eyes leaning against him.

I felt tired.
I felt someone close by so I opened my eyes and I saw Alex ,he was staring down at Trevor that was now wide awake staring back at him,I hesitated before speaking " he is grown now " I said awkwardly moving away from Trevor that got up causing me to look up,I was certain he had forgotten Alex until it went to him leaning it's head down for Alex to touch ,I only stared from afar.

Is this how what our years of friendship have become....

End of chapter 16,I have not updated in a while,so here is this I will try to upload tomorrow,please vote and leave a comment.

IntroAmy ^⁠_⁠^

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