chapter twelve

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Vampire Aves

*The next morning

Katie's POV

We woke up quite early and the luggages were loaded into the carriage by the maids,we got in and started heading to Elvania,it was a very long journey.

I fell asleep multiple times in the carriage I have never traveled this far except from the slave house years ago .when night came, we stopped at an inn to rest I had my own room at the inn.i sat down by the window.

It disturbed me greatly that Alex has not replied my letter ,I wondered if he was alright,I planned on sending another letter to him when we get back to the mansion. Soon I fell asleep,the next morning came and we set off again after eating breakfast.

Isabella and i talked in the carriage and lady Uriel will join in at times, Alex father did not follow, neither did he involve himself with anything going on in the mansion I could tell something was wrong but I do not know what exactly.

We spent two more days In the carriage and we finally arrived at Elvania,we stayed at another inn specifically reserved for us.

The day came rather quickly,the next evening, Isabella and I were in my room in the inn getting ready for the ball,I was dressed and so was Isabella, she was helping with my hair. There was a knock on the door ," come in" Isabella said and lady Uriel came in she held a small bottle in her hands .

"Are you girls ready?" She asked "yes,we are " Isabella said and added finishing touches to my hair .I got up holding my dress " Katie, I need you to use this " she said and handed the bottle to me,I took it and stared at her.

" It is a potion" she said and continued " you will be the only human at the ball and that will be dangerous considering we might lose each other ,when the ball begins, this will mask your human scent replacing it with a Vampire's" she explained and I nodded.

" Now drink it"  ,I stared at the bottle opening the lid before pouring the substance into my mouth waiting for a bitter taste ,it only tasted like water " that is good " lady Uriel smiled and brought out a mask "this will hide your eyes from other's view do not take it off " she said staring intently at me and I nodded " I will not " I assured.

"Alright,are you both ready then?" She asked " yes" Isabella replied and we exited the inn room ,this reminded me of the ball 2 years ago ,we have not attended another ball since then, we got into the carriage and I put on my mask, Isabella did the same.

We arrived at this building it looked about the size of a normal mansion,I wondered how this will contain the whole of the underworld. Stepping out of the carriage,I stared at the building,a lots of people were outside talking,we walked toward and the doors opened.

It seemed like I was in a different building because the inside of the building was actually gigantic,I immediately knew it was magic,it was filled with different creatures adorned in different jewelries and clothing. I made sure to stick with Isabella,she was waiting for her secret admirer to find her since she does not recognize him.

I was waiting with her and lady Uriel had went off somewhere " I will try going further inside ,maybe he will find me then" she said "should I come with?" I asked " you can stay here ,I will be back" she said and went off .

I was alone yet again,I kept my mask on staring as a couple danced in the middle of the crowd ,I could feel someone staring at me ,I looked around in a calm manner and I spotted a male,I could not tell what his eyes color were because of the mask ,but I could tell he was looking at me,he held eye contact as I stared back at him before he turned and disappeared into the crowd.

It was an odd feeling,I shook of the feeling deciding that I am just being paranoid,I was patiently waiting for Isabella to come back , the feeling came back again I stood straight and looked around I spotted the same person staring at me ,now I felt uncomfortable,he turned and exited the building.

I followed,exiting the building,I looked left and right and I saw the familiar outfit going to the back of the building and I followed " hello there !" I yelled holding up my dress and the person did not stop " hello!" I yelled and he paused I huffed running a bit towards the person,he turned to me he had quite a lot of inches on me in terms of height.

"I saw you..." I could not finish as the person vanished ,I gasped moving back ,I stared in awe at the space that was now empty I thought I was imagining things ,I looked around holding my dress I ran back into the building my heart pounding in my chest ' he did not just vanish' ' I must be hallucinating' I told myself trying to regulate my breathing,I felt someone touch my shoulder and I flinched.

"Are you alright?" Lady Uriel asked looking worried " I am fine" I said with a small smile " have you seen Isabella ?" She asked ,I opened my mouth not knowing what to say "no,no i have not" I said and she sighed " you stay here,I will go look for her " I nodded as she thoughts went back to the male that vanished...

End of Katie's POV

Isabella's POV

I was roaming in the building hoping to spotted by him ,I went up to the ballroom upstairs, after sometime I got decided to leave, " lady Isabella" I heard and turned around to see a male ,he had blonde hair combed to the side mask covering his face but I could see ,the eyes were golden color. "I knew ,it was you " he smiled and I frowned a bit in confusion " oh,I almost forgot,I have exchanging letters with you" he explained with a smile.

And everything stopped for a while " Adrian, pleasure to meet you" he said with a small bow and I blinked " Adrian?" I mumbled " yes,are you disappointed?" He asked jokingly and I shook my head " just a little shocked... you are a werewolf?" He nodded "that is not a problem is it ?" He asked his hands behind him "no,not at all " I said "you look more beautiful than the last time I saw you" he said " oh..thank you" I smiled" it is quite loud in here shall we go outside to talk?" He asked "of course" I said " after you"..

End of chapter twelve ,tell me your thoughts and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this.


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