chapter 29

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A/N: guyyyyyys😭😭 I have reached 400+ views, thank you guys so much❣️

Okay bye

Vampire Aves

Katie's POV

Days passed, I have gone to visit mother's grave. Alex has been very busy with the council, he is rarely at home anymore it has been lonely at the mansion, Isabella has been sick and she just sleeps most of the time

I was holding up my dress as I made my way into the forest I have not seen Trevor in a very long time, I would come here but he was not there.

I sighed as I almost tripped on a branch,"Trevor! Where are you?" I called looking around.

I called again several times before giving up and sitting on a fallen tree I stared at my shoes just thinking.

Mother used to scold me for spending too much time in the forest,she would ask many times why I go there but I would make up excuses. I smiled a bit remembering.

My nightmares reduced lately,it was not as frequent anymore. I picked up a branch just fiddling with it.

The new lady and her daughter have not bothered me since then but they would make mean comments at times like the time- I felt hot breath on my neck and I jumped moving away.

"Trevor!" I called as I rushed towards him hugging his neck "you almost killed me" I muttered and I pulled back rubbing his head.

He energetically ran around me and I smiled."it is nice to see you too"

"You have grown so big" I said again his wing flapped a bit .

As it settled next to me I sat down too leaning on him.

It was quiet,only the sounds on chirping birds could be heard.

"I apologize for not visiting" I said looking at the grass.

"Mother passed away....and everything has been very... intricate, I miss her so much" my eyes burned with unshed tears.

"Alex's father brought his new family home, Isabella is sick which is unusual for a vampire,all this would not happen if mother was alive"

"Why ? Why did Adrian do such a thing" I looked up as my tears fell Trevor was staring at me.

He suddenly licked my face ,his tongue was very hot but dry.i smiled rubbing his neck.

"Do not worry,I will be fine"

I leaned against him again closing my eyes.

The breeze was cool and the sound of birds was soothing .Trevor's scaly tail draped over me loosely. I felt myself slowly slip into the Dreamland.
I do not know how long I slept for but I was woken up when Trevor growled lowly ,he was standing tall and I was in between his forelimbs.

I blinked slowly and I finally saw someone standing there, Trevor was growling at the person.

My vision cleared "Isabella?" I called.

"Katie, there everything alright?"

And I slowly got up ,I was pulled back by Trevor by my dress making me fall on my bum again.

I got up "it is alright,she means no harm" I assured as he growled lowly.

I approached Isabella that looked shocked and scared.

"You own a dragon?" She asked staring at Trevor that was still staring warily at Isabella like he is about to attack if she makes any move.

"It belongs to Alex" I replied.

"Oh.." she blinked saying nothing more

"Are you alright? Why are you here? You should be taking a rest"

"I was looking for you,I followed your scent here" she rubbed her neck with a small frown.

"I thought Alex will be with you,I need him to call the physician over....I have been vomiting quite a lot" she glanced at Trevor that was now sitting staring at us.

"Let us go back to the mansion, Alex should be back soon" I said
I gave Trevor a small wave before leaving with Isabella we went back to the mansion.

We went to her room directly. She was lying on her bed. I was sitting by the bed.

Isabella has been acting different ,her eyes did not hold the sparkle they used to hold ,she sent letters to Adrian but the letters were ignored she waited but did not get a reply.

I understand is not everyday your fiance kills your mother on their first meet.
Isabella was lying on her back with her eyes close, her skin is very pale..

My train of thoughts were broken when..

"Katherine" I heard and the door opened slightly with Alex peeking in.

"Oh,you are back" I got up gently trying not to wake Isabella.

He glanced at Isabella and he left closing the door, I stared at the door..

I followed him ,I went into the room. He was taking off his coat.

"Young master" I called

"Hmm?" He replied sitting on the bed rolling up his sleeves ,he looked at me.

"Uh...I- Isabella said she is feeling rather unwell and she want you to inform the physician , so he can come over"

"She is a vampire" he stated leaning back a bit resting his palms on the bed behind him.

His eyes staring into mine and glancing down at my lips once I spoke.

"I am aware but she is unwell...I think you should get the physician,she has been vomiting" I spoke concerned.

His face stayed emotionless..he glanced down again.

"What do I get in return?" He spoke

"What?" I frowned in confusion

He got up walking towards me,he stood in front of me and I stared down.

"I-i do not understand-" his finger lifted my chin up I stared at him.

"What do I get in return...... if I call the physician?"

His gaze trailed down my lips again.

I frowned "she is your sister"

"Is she now?" He questioned still not staring at my eyes..

"I will call the physician....if you would give me something in return"

"I...what do you want?" I asked his eyes then met mine .it held this glow that made me a little scared or rather uneasy.

He stared at me leaning closer "you know what I want" he whispered close to my ear.

And I moved back, heat rising to my cheeks. "I-i do not-" he cuts me off

"I will get the physician" he spoke and vanished  I let out a breath i did not know I was holding.

I sat down, hand on my chest trying to calm my heart. after I calmed a bit I rushed back to Isabella's room not wanting him to meet me in his room.

Isabella was still asleep while I waited for the physician to arrive...

End of chapter

Okayyyy 🌚

What do you guys think? Tell me your thoughts and tell me your favorite character...

Mine is Trevor 🙌

Anyways don't forget to vote see y'all later🤍


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