(6.) - Investigation on The Docks.

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      A long while passed with no suspicious activity happening the whole time. It was simple and usual, or at least what I assumed to be the usual, dock activity that the workers at the port would partake in. Or at least... I assumed it to be that.

I don't actually know what the workers look like noir what the usual activity in the port is like. I always would assume that it was simply like fishing, loading and unloading ships - stuff like that.

This wait for suspicious activity dragged on for so long, that the moon had enough time to shine brighly down at the port and the City of Yiinao. It was also around this time that no more workers were present in the port, meaning that if we saw anyone walking around in the port or docks, then that most likely meant that they we involved in this illegal trade of goods.

For now however - nothing.
No action and no movement. It kinda was starting the feel a bit boring.

Frindel was already napping, while Iyka was entertaining herself by using her new feline claws to scratch 'drawings' into the stone ground. Wezrall and Odale were both meanwhile continuing to decipher the scrolls that we had in the carriage.

They had taken the scrolls with them just to continue deciphering them while they waited. What was I up to?

...Absolutely nothing.
I was bored out of my mind, aimlessly scrolling through my status window and reading through my skills. I was mainly looking for 'Fractured' combinations that I could create.

Oh yeah - In case you didn't know, I have this really cool skill called 'Fractured' which allows me to combine and evolve skills. There are many rules to it, which balance it out, however it overall is a very good skill with a 'strong' effect.
I mean, most of my really good Epic, Legendary and even Arc skills were gained thanks to 'Fractured'.

| Master, perhaps during this downtime I could copy down the Blueprint? |

Oh right, the blueprint for the thing I wanted to make for Iyka. I had completely forgotten about it. But...
I took a look around, searching for anything to be able to use in the copying process.

'...There isn't any paper around - how are you supposed to copy it down?'

| It is quite simple. In the crate behind you, are piles of paper. |

....And you want me to—?

| Take one for the copying. |

...Okay- Ancient One, that's called stealing or theft from where I come from. I can't just take from the cargo that is around - I'll get in trouble for it.

| Do not worry master. Using
[Dimensional Doorway] allows you to access the inside of the crate and grab just one paper sheet without any issues. No one will even notice a thing. |

...I don't know if I'm about this idea of stealing...
I scratched my head lightly, before sighing heavily and nodding lightly. I guess it wouldn't hurt to 'try' it. I mean, it gives me an excuse to experiment a bit more with the limitations of 'Dimensional Doorway'.

So, as the Ancient One suggested, I created a small rectangle using 'Dimensional Doorway', which granted me access to the crates interior. There were stacks upon stacks of paper inside, strangely, none of them tied down by anything.
Afterwards, I reached for one sheet, before carefully - utilising my skill 'Jester' to make it as easy as possible - pulling out a single sheet and closing the rectangle.

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