(94). - Entering the Labyrinth.

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         After catching up to the strange man, we three got seated at the same table as him — still throwing looks of doubts and even concern at eachother. There were so many questions rushing through our minds at this point in time — Who was this man? Why did he offer to give us information on Licua? Why did he approach us? Do we know him?

These questions rushed through my mind and I'm pretty certain they also flew straight through Wezralls mind as well — since he looked just as confused and dumbfounded as me. As for Arabor... Well — he seemed like he was thinking of other things at this point in time and not even present here mentally.

After a few moments of silence, I looked towards the man and exhaled.

"You said you can give us information on Licua right? Well, I'd love to hear it."

I stated.
The man remained silent and did not reply, simply leaning back into his seat before propping his legs up onto the table, before he pushed his hat up higher, revealing his golden eyes underneath.

"Indeed — I do have some info on Licua, however it does not come cheap. Everything has a price on it, I hope you realise that."

The man stated, extending his arms out from underneath his cloak before crossing them. I shed a sweat. Of course — he is one of those that wants money or something in exchange for information...

I should have expected no less.

"Alright — thank you for your time, but I'm not really willing to pay to get some information."

I stated, before getting up from my seat, Wezrall following right after me — with only Arabor remaining seated. However, before we could leave, the man clicked his tongue.

"I don't want any money for the information. Instead, I have a different price in mind - one that can benefit you as well."

The man stated, causing me to stop in my tracks. I looked at the man with a slightly suspicious gaze, before sitting back down. However Wezrall did not sit back after me — instead he moved to my side and stood on my right side like a body guard, crossing his arms while he stood next to me.

After getting seated again, I leaned onto the table and looked at the man with a slightly skeptical gaze.

"Alright — What do you want in exchange for information on Licua and the road leading to it?"

I asked.
The man remained silent for a bit, before taking his legs off the table and then taking off his hat, placing it onto the table — revealing rather messy, long hair under the hat.

The man then looked around - seemingly checking on whether someone was listening in on them, before lifting his head up, his golden eyes shining slightly.

"I want you all to help me with something. However that requires us to enter the labyrinth in this village."

The man stated, beginning to explain what he needed from us. As soon as he mentioned this, I couldn't help but roll my eyes — of course he needed us to go inside the big grand maze with him.

Of course he needed help with something....
Now the question was — How badly do I want the information this guy has on Licua? Do I really want to potentially be forced to stay here in this village for an extended amount of time just to get some information this random man may have?

I thought about it for a bit, before exhaling and crossing my arms.

"For what purpose? You can't just expect us to agree without any other explanation."

I stated, looking at the man with bit more of a cold expression, leaning back into my chair. Wezrall to my side gave the man a skeptical glare, while Arabor looked like he was simply busy living inside his own head.

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