(23.) - Quest before Academics.

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     So.... You can probably imagine what my reaction was after I learned about the entire thing of me needing to go and be a temporary teacher at an education building called —
'Yiinao Academy of Magic'.
And incase you can't imagine it, I'll spell it out for you - it was NOT positive. I mean - I've never taught anyone in my life - or... Lives?

....You know, reincarnation sometimes makes a few sentences very confusing. A-Anyways — Point is, I have NO IDEA what I'm doing already and the Baron wanted me to replace a teacher for the time being??

That was a recipe for a freaking disaster.

....But then again - he doesn't know that I am mainly just winging everything as I go and I actually have little clue of what's going on.
When that's brought into the picture - his request was a little more justified in my eyes. I mean — In his place I'd probably also make a request that someone may find ridiculous or undoable for themselves.

Anyways - I asked him why exactly he needed me to act as a temporary teacher at the school and what exactly I'd be teaching.

The Baron smirked before laughing lightly.

"Surely you jest - What else could you teach at a school specifically made for teaching the academics of magic?"

....Okay— lesson learned already: I am stupid and dense as fuck sometimes.
How the hell did I not connect the dots that easily?-

I need to go and check if my brain is alright- I feel like my reincarnation as a snake has made me more oblivious than I used to be.

| Actually, looking back at the memories of your old life - You've always been kinda oblivious Maste— |

'Another word from you and I'm going to have a real nice meal to give to Black-Hole Starvation.'

I threatened the Ancient One.
He almost immediately shut up - going quiet once more. I simply sighed and looked at the Baron again.

"What could I teach them about Magic? I'm an adventurer and not exactly the most experienced in magic myself."

Which is technically not lying, cause all my knowledge of magic comes from the Ancient Ones wisdom which he has lightly shared with me. Yes, lightly - apparently I am not mentally strong enough yet to handle all the knowledge that the Ancient One possesses at this very moment.

The Baron thought about it for a moment, before leaning back into his chair and scratching his chin.

"I do suppose that if you add that into the equation, it sounds a bit ridiculous - however, I want you to understand one thing."

The Baron placed his arms on the armrests of his chair - sharpening his gaze lightly onto me.

"As an adventurer - even without a teachers grade - you have what I'd deem enough experience to be able to teach some things about magic. And besides - I don't think you're very 'inexperienced' when it comes to Magic that originates from the abyss."

How did he— ....Oh right.
I registered as a Black Sorcerer when I registered as an adventurer in the Adventuring Guild... I had completely forgotten about that, since it's been so irrelevant...

I guess you could say that I was quite experienced when it came to using magic that had its roots in the Abyss - but even then...
Was I really qualified enough to teach a fucking class of students?

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