Married To A Mafia Boss

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"Come on Paris let me just take you out for a nice dinner. Just me and you"

John begs me with a look of hope and desperation all wrapped in one. I roll my eyes and shake my head at his pathetic attempt to woo me.

"John please leave me alone and go find you somewhere or someone else to annoy. Your a whole married man for Christ stake!"

I reply to John and his eyes go wide at my reply, slimy fucker didn't think that I knew he was a married man. I uprooted my twin sister and myself from Greece six months ago, because my alabaster fool of a husband pissed me off. 

His trout mouth snaggletooth mama had some choice words for me and my sister about our race and eye color, and I slapped the shit out of her ignorant racist ass.

Me and my sister Egypt are no strangers to racist and their ignorance. We were picked on growing up about having blue eyes with brown skin. Most of the hateful words and comments came from other black girls like me and Egypt, they would say things like "you ain't better than us because you got blue eyes" Or say "girl take them contacts out with your fake ass"

So when my husbands snaggletooth, built boxed havin ass made those comments about me and my sister. I had bad flashbacks, and flashed on her ass.

What made me leave Levi was the fact that he went to help his mother off the ground. I hightailed it out his parents house like I had a flame under my black ass! The fact that he had the Caucasity to help her made my blood boil like you would not believe. That was the last time I have seen or spoken to him, with him being a mafia boss, I knew how to hide.

But things have become more complicated, because a month after leaving I found out that I was pregnant. Now I'm five in a half months pregnant and in hiding, I also haven't told my twin sister yet because I know she will probably blow are cover and try to fix things between me and Levi for the sake of the babies. Yes that's correct I said babies, I'm pregnant with two twin boys.

"Listen Paris, me and my wife are separated and not getting back together you have nothing to worry about just give me a chance" John begs me again, and I feel a wave of nausea hit me and before I can make it to the bathroom I feel the bile rise in my throat and vomit all over John.

After puking all over John. I wiped my mouth of with my hand, and say "just so you know that was my answer to your question" And with that I walk off to the nearest bathroom in the hospital leaving John standing alone at the nurses station with my puke all over him.

After washing my mouth out clean of vomit, I popped a piece of gum in my mouth and finished my shift for the night. I have been working here at this hospital as a pediatric nurse for the last few months, I know soon I'm going to have to notify my superiors of my pregnancy and soon after go on maternity leave.

After leaving the hospital, I walk out to my car I'm met with the annoying sight of my handsome husband Levi leaning against my 2023 BMW. "Hey there sweetheart. You have been a bad bad girl running away from your husband, and having me waste money and resources to find you!"

Levi snarls at me as he walks closer to me then stops when he towers over me. I frown then reply craning my neck up to look at his 6'7 frame "I don't give a got damn what you wasted! You chose to help your funky ass, boxed body built mama instead of checking on your wife!"

Levi busted out laughing and I frowned ready to slap the shit out of his ass too. "Sweet heart if you would have stayed and saw, you would have seen that I only helped my mother up to knock her ignorant ass back down for disrespected you and Egypt" He then pulls his phone out his back pocket and shows me the video footage of him slapping the hellhound that is his mama.

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