It's The Everything For Me

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I was listening to this song on repeat writing this chapter and dancing as well!!! Lmao!!


"Your honor me and my daughter would like to make a statement!"

My former mother-in-law shouts as she stands up in the courtroom, wearing a tacky ass backwoods ugly duckly suit. To say I hate that bitch would be and understatement, my hate for that evil troll looking loosey goosey water nose bloody coochie infestation, is on some Kendrick and Drake shit.

Throughout my whole marriage she stuck her nose in shit that didn't have anything to do with her. She would make comments like, "my son looks like he hasn't been eating well" Or "why does my grandkids have to know about only their black culture, us whites have our culture as well" When I tell you I almost knocked the dust out of her ignorant ass when she made that comment!

Her son my ex-husband would always make excuses for her or tell her off, but not set any boundaries. I truly and deeply loved my now ex-husband Vince, but he play with my time, and I was so close to losing my freedom behind his ass.

He cheated on me, and lied. I have always been a very straight shooter, and told him that if he ever felt like I wasn't satisfying his needs it wants, or if he didn't want me anymore to let me know and we could go out separate ways.

A year ago he started acting funny. Saying that he had to work late or give a coworker a ride home. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but then flash forward some months later, we were at his family's barbeque retirement for his dad.

His coworker was there with a newborn baby that looked just like my twin sons looked when they were born.

Vince told me he invited her because she had no family and he wanted her to meet me and his sisters, and make friends.

Everything clicked then. His coworker Sandra couldn't even look me in the eye, every time I came near her she would move away, which for her was smart because I was ready to kill her ass and my cheating ass no good weak husband.

When I tell you my virgo Spidey senses were all over the place. I really had to pray for the Lord to be my strength and get me thru the event.

After the event I texted my dad to pick up the kids for a few days, I didn't go into detail about what went down. Because I knew if I did my daddy would be right in the cell next to me along with my mama, and brother.

I'm a twin myself. My brother and I are and have always been very close. We are each other's best friends in a since.

My brother also had slept with my sister in law when they both were drunk as fuck, and she went Glenn Close fatal attraction on his ass, and I almost had to whoop her ass.

She made a big scene at the twins last birthday when my brother proposed to his girlfriend of two years. Talking about how he used her and lied to her, and he uses his magical dick to put women in a trance.

I was going to snatch her up, but my soon to be sister beat me to it. I was pissed for many reasons at my sister in laws behavior, I did not need to hear about the wizard dick my brother be slanging and neither did my kids.

When we got home, my dad picked the boys up and laughed at vince because he knew I was fin to beat his ass like Tina did to Ike in the back of that limo.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

I asked Vince to tell me the truth, he at first tried to say I was being crazy, so I showed his triffln cheated no good finishes before I can cum havin ass how crazy I was.

I went into our bedroom and grabbed my good ol' 22 special that I named Doc Holiday and cocked that trigger back. He laughed and said "I wouldn't kill him, because the boys would lose both of us, me in jail and him dead"

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