Kidnapped by the king

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"If you don't open this mother fucking door right now. I'm going to burn this mother fucker ground, and we can all go to meet our maker together! Open this got damn door right got damn now!"

I yelled and banged on the door of the room I have been trapped in for the last two hours. I was kidnapped along with my two kids, by none other than my brother in law the king. I was married to his brother for five years, and he was killed in battle recently. 

The king and I have a complicated relationship.

I originally was promised to him, but his brother, my late husband swooped in and got me first. To say there was bad blood between them would be an understatement, My late husband Max moved us far away from the kingdom, and we eventually built our own kingdom.

Right before my husband went to war I discovered that he had been having an affair with my best friend and fathered two children together. They had no idea that I knew, but the people of my kingdom were loyal to me. I was a fair and loved queen to my nation, when Max went to war. I confronted by best friend, and she cried those crocodile tears, which didn't move me.

I gave her the option to be banished or a slow painful death. She chose banishment, which was ok with me.

That's when I later got word of my husband's death in battle. A couple of days later our kingdom was invaded by now other than my late husband's brother, and I was taken captive along with my children.

Now I'm stuck in this room like a kid and can't seem to get out.

King Xander

"Your majesty she is awake"

One of my servants informs me. I took Kori and her children, because she was and is mine!

My brother took her from me only to mistreat her. I was very much aware of his affair with his best friend which actually started before he took Kori away from me. I guess he felt that he could have his cake and eat it too, but Kori was and is mine to eat. I feel like my brother robbed me and Kori of the life we could have been living, I planned on killing him,but when I found out he was killed in battle I felt that was justice.

I'm well aware that Kori is going to be furious with me and I'm hoping once I explain myself to her she will calm down, hopefully.

I made sure her children were well taken care of and unharmed. They are to be treated as royals and will be treated as such, I haven't taken a queen yet, because Kori is and always will be the only one worthy of holding that title.

I make my way up to her room saying a silent prayer because I know I may be punched in the nose. I open the door to her room, and open it, when I open the door I'm met with the site of a furious Kori looking absolutely delicious in her black royal gown fit for the queen she is.

I exhale and look in her eyes and say "I know you're upset. your kids and you were in danger. I had to take you, and I knew you wouldn't listen to reason, I would never hurt you Kori you know that. I'm not my brother"

Kori looks back at me with tears in her eyes and exhales and whispers out "I know that, I'm just scared now, and I miss my babies"

I smile and move towards the bed, then lean down on one knee in front of her and reach up grabbing her chin between my middle finger and thumb. 

"Kori tell me what you want love? Tell me what you need, and I will move to the very mountains to give it to you!" I whisper to her and she smiles and leans her head to the side.

"I just want to see my babies right now" Kori whispers out again, and I nod my head and smile.

"I will have them sent to your room love" I reply and stand kissing her forehead and walk out of her chamber.

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