FakEST friend

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"Girl! What are you gonna do?"

My sister asks me as I look at the pictures and videos of my best friend and my boyfriend together. She called me over to her place to show me pictures of them out and about all hugged up and kissing.

I have suspected that something was going on with my soon to be ex best friend Jena, and my soon to be ex boyfriend Josh for a while. I just needed proof, and now that I have it, I'm going to make their lives a living hell.

I have put up with enough shit between the two of them. If it wasn't Jena being a brat or complaining woe is me busllshit, it was Josh complaining about me working at a strip club as a bartender to finish paying for grad school.

I wanted to expand my earning potential and develop my contacts. I have had a dream since I was a little girl of owning my own financial firm specializing in building more black owned businesses across the nation.

Jena thought that I was chasing a dream, and that if people of color wanted to own their own businesses then they should just go to the bank and get a loan. She didn't think that a black owned financial firm would be successful, the thing about Jena is she is mixed.

Her mother is white and her father is black, I myself am full african american.

I have noticed and this is my own personal opinion there is a big difference when it comes to girls who are mixed. The ones who have black mothers and hispanic mothers tend to be parented differently than the ones who have white mothers and Jena was the poster child of that.

And for the ones that know...you all know!!

I'm not saying all of them are like that, but there are some that your like, umm are you for real? You know nothing about your culture? Or they act like they are better than everyone, or their attitudes are just damn right stank!

I honestly at this point don't even know why Jena and I are still friends. I have outgrown her and matured while she has taken after her mother, and become a homewrecking bottom feeding backwoods gutter tramp. Her mother stole her father from her best friend, and ended up beating her ass and serving prison time because she injured her severely to the point where she had a permanent limp.

So since Jena is just like her trashy mother they are about to have matching limps.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by my sister snapping in my face.

"So what are you going to do mone?"

My sister asks me cautiously as I smirk evilly, and say.

"I'mma beat her ass like Rhea fin to beat Liv. She fin to have a limp like her bobble headed mama!"

My sister laughs and we leave her place and head over to Josh's place for a pop up, and to open up a can of whoop ass, stone cold Steve Austin style.

I'mma stomp a mud hole in Josh's ass and walk it dry, and like I said I'mma beat Jena's ass like Rhea fin to beat Liv's ass.

Pulling up to Josh's house I hopped out the car while it was still running, and ran up to the door and kicked it in. I heard Jena scream and hop off a half naked Josh on the couch, and I ran up to Jena and grabbed her by her hair and began to punch her over and over again in her face. She was screaming and crying, for me to stop, and saying "I'm so sorry"

I didn't stop all I saw was red. Josh grabbed me and I head butted him and punched him in his nose, then I kicked him in his nuts. I then began to stomp his ass out, my sister ran in and wrapped her arms around me.

I noticed both Josh and Jena were crying and bloody, then I said "I didn't beat your asses because I was mad that y'all got together. I beat ya'll asses because ya'll ain't shit and y'all played with my time. But it's cool because I'm going to make your lives hell. Y'all both are garbage human beings, Jena fuck you! And Josh your dick is trash, and I never needed you at all!"

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