The Worst To The Best

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"Whitney! I'm going to miss you so much! Thank you for everything! I don't know what I would have done without you" Selina hugs me tightly sobbing on my shoulder. I hug her back tightly, and whisper "I'm going to miss you too boo! Take care and keep in touch! Remember you're strong, and no one's victim! She breaks the hug, and wipes her eyes smiling weakly at me.

Her phone goes off, and she looks at it, then looks back at me and says "my ride's here, I will see you again right?" I smile and reply "of course! Take care boo!" She nods, and turns around walking out of the door. I breathe out a sigh of relief and hope, Selina came here to the shelter over a year ago running away from her abusive boyfriend. He got her hooked on drugs, and was pimping her out, she was able to get away from him, one night with the help of an officer friend of mine.

Selina was able to get clean and sober, and she also got her mental health together as well. Once she was ready with the help of our therapist here she reached out to her family, letting them know she wanted to come home. From what she told me about her family, her parents were overjoyed that she was coming home, and they missed her terribly. Selina had also confided in me that she was most nervous to reunite with her twin brother Landon. Apparently Selina fell in love with Landon's best friend, against Landon's wishes, and the guy not only broke her heart, he shattered it!

She felt ashamed, and felt like she let her brother down, and decided to run away, that's when she met the abusive boyfriend, and he was able to get his hooks into her. I'm glad that she was able to go back to her family, and that they accepted her with open arms, I pray that everything works out with her and her family, especially her twin.

I myself have a similar story to Selina's but unfortunately for me I wasn't able to go back home. I met Thomas, when I had just turned 21, I had never had a boyfriend and thought Thomas hung the moon. The abuse didn't' start right away, first he isolated me from my parents then the abuse began. I was his personal punching bag for about two years, and then one night I finally had enough, I tried to leave and he beat me so bad that I was in a coma for six months. When I woke up, the doctor informed me that I had been pregnant, and due to my injuries the baby didn't survive. When I got out of the hospital the first place I went was home, when I got to my family home, I discovered that my parents had moved, and left no forwarding address.

It's been two years since I got away from Thomas, and three years since I have seen my mom, and dad. They were all I had, I had no cousins or uncles or aunts, both my parents were only children, and their parents had both passed on. I haven't given up hope though I know one day I will see them when I'm meant to, after not being able to find my parents, I made my way here to this shelter and I have been here for two years.

I was able to heal here, and decided to stay on as an employee, and help other women, that have been or being abused. When the owner Ms. Dorothy passed on, her husband gave me full control of the shelter, and made me the sole owner. I was very grateful, and promised not to let him nor Ms. Dorothy down. He also made me promise him that I would get back out there and find someone, I have tried to date here and there, but no one really grabbed my full attention or was able to handle the hours I work.

It's been a couple of months since Selina left, and I truly miss her. I have developed a regular routine of work, and go straight home, sometimes I wish I had someone to spend my time with, but I'm also fearful to put myself back out there in the dating world. I have heard horror stories from some of the staff about their experiences dating, it seems like in 2024 dating is for the birds. I have already been thought the worst, and I'm not trying to go through that or anything like that ever again. It took me awhile to let go of the feelings, I had for Thomas. People who have been in domestic violent relationships, or have experienced something similar know what I mean.

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