Extreme Storm

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"Girl come get your damn coochie gremlins out my kitchen!"

I yell to my sister who is sitting in my living room, while I'm trying to cook dinner and deal with her bebe kids tearing up my kitchen.

"Girl chill out they are not that bad they are just hungry"

My sister replies to me as she comes in the kitchen, grabbing my two twin nephews who just turned three two weeks ago. My sister is a lie and the truth ain't in her, them damn kids is bad as hell, anytime they smell food. Here they come like some damn roaches!

That's why I call them bebe kids, because they don't die they multiply.

My family has been making their rounds checking up on me, and making sure that I'm doing ok. A little over a year ago my husband of five years was killed in a hit and run accident, leaving me a widow at the age of 27. Today is the anniversary of his death, and it's an extremely emotional and heart breaking day, so my family usually brings food, and checks up on me and drops in to spend time with me.

I don't know how I would have gotten through this without them. I had to cut off my mother in law after my husband's death because she acted a stone fool at his funeral. She tried getting in his casket and also told everyone to bury her with her only son, the miserable snaggletooth bitch was putting on a damn show, that I didn't appreciate.

All she ever did when her son was alive was count his pockets, and treat him better than his sisters which caused tension in his relationships with his sisters. I had half of mind to shoot her pathetic ass, and bury her in a separate grave far far away, but I loved my husband too much to do that, he deserved to rest in peace.

I decided today that I would cook at make all of his favorites and honor him by doing some of the things he liked doing. My sister brought over my bad ass nephews to help and sit with me for a while, but I'm about to kick them out. Those little fuckers ate all the corn bread I made from scratch and didn't have the common decency to tell me or even save me a piece of a slice!

"Ok boo I'm just going to take the kids home, because they are getting restless, and I really want you to relax and have some time to yourself" My sister tells me as she gives me a look of compassion. I sigh and thank the Lord above in my head, cause they gots to go!

I say my goodbyes to my sister and her bebe kids, then finish up my dinner quietly as I think about all the wonderful and good times I had with my belated husband. I snapped out my thoughts as I finished up my dinner and placed everything on my dining room table.

I hear my phone ringing and see it's my baby sister calling. I answer my phone, and my sister seems to be severely annoyed as she says "girl come get your mama and daddy please, they are embarrassing the fuck out of me at work"

I laugh and ask "what did they do now?" she huffs and tells me that they showed up to her job wearing a shirt that says "my child is a part of the LMNOP community, and that my dad keeps referring to the community as the alphabet mafia"

It takes everything in me not to bust out laughing at the fact that my parents really did some shit like that. My baby sister came out to the family a little over three years ago, and my parents fully support her, but sometimes they be doing way too much like they are now. I calm her down and tell her to come hang out with me when she gets off work. We ended our conversation and I made sure to shoot my dad and mom and text saying "you guys are on restriction from watching wild'n out!" My dad responded to me with a middle finger and also said "girl bye! I'm your daddy not the other way around" My mother responded with a "you are not too old to get your ass whooped"

My sister works at an outreach center for youth in the LGBTQ+ community and today they were having an event. I may have or may not have told my mom and dad to skip coming over and go support my baby sis, so I guess you can say it's my fault, but then again I cannot be responsible for the wild shit that comes out of our mama and daddy's mouths.

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