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the record player spun the same record for the last hour, the cheap sounding music roared through the place

i tapped my nails at the bar, dally sat down besides me. he drank down his cup that held liquor

he offered me a drink or two, but i refused. i sipped down a cherry coke i'd asked the bar man for. he told me it was on the house

"so...angelica is it?" he asked, hoping he'd gotten my name correct

i slightly nodded. hoping none of his questions would get worse

dally place down his cup, clearing his throat. "so you live in new york?"

"yeah brooklyn" i hated that place so much, not brooklyn, but the people

"i grew up there..." he tapped his ring against the table, my eyes traced to his hand

"holy shit was he married?" i noticed the ring was on his ring finger

"i guess you got a gal?" i laughed. "how's your wife?"

"wife?" dally almost gagged. "why the fuck do you think i have a wife?"

"your ring" i pointed it out. "it's on your ring finger"

"fucking god..." he mumbled. "i don't give a shit of where i where my rings"

i awkwardly laughed, hoping i wasn't making things even worse

"i can't just ask him to get married" i thought, I knew he wouldn't budge a bit

as i looked around the room, loosing hope in my plan. there was no one else who would fit the job

my thoughts soon caught up into my mind, making me not pay attention to my surroundings. i finally found myself blushed and get red...

...a hand was on my thigh

i flinched and it made dallas laugh

"guess you dig well baby" his breathe was heavy of alcohol

i couldn't tell if he was sobber. but when ray was sobber, he was more than touchy

"don't call me baby" i tried to speak up, but felt scared and worried

dally just scoffed, he eyed your thighs even more. he knew i worked for magazines, he knew

as i rubbed my eyes, tired and drained from tonight i needed to sleep. i felt people staring at him and I, i felt like people were always passing by

I wanted to get out of this 'date' with dallas winston. it wasn't going to get me any further and i needed a boy by tonight

"why don't you drink hun?" he crooked a brow, giving that smiled he gave to me during the night

"i don't believe it's good for me. plus i'm not into things like that"

"but you work for playboy?" he laughed. "how ironic"

"you piece of—" before i could go off on him, i felt drowsy than ever

my legs ache and my head was spinning

"mhmm" i managed to groan, wanting to sleep

dally looked confused and found it odd how you begun to get so sleepy, acting like you had a hangover

i soon rubbed my eyes, trying to stay awake. soon enough someone grabbed me by the waist, he held me tight

the touch was unrecognizable, i've never allowed someone to touch me like this before because i found it so wrong

my eyes glanced over to see dally carrying me, my eyes were too closed for me to express words

as he carried myself up the stairs, he opened a door with a key. it must of stayed here

the room was small and tight. he had his clothes all over the place, even some magazines on the floor. i recognized some of them of other girls i worked with

dally placed me on the bed, closing the door. it blocked the warping sounds of the music

he bit his bottom lip, not knowing what to do with me

he watched my fall comfortably into his bed, he stared into my brown eyes

as i didn't know where i was, the touch of a soft bed made me want to sink myself into it

as my eyes fell heavy, the light dimmed while my eyes shut slowly. i found myself asleep peacefully after years

t h r e e  h o u r s  l a t e r

i couldn't tell if i was home in my aunts or in the bed me and ray slept on opposite ends of

i was wrong

i saw dally in the corner, huffing out a cigarette

i nearly screamed before dally could stop me

"sweetheart don't make the people think down stairs i'm doing something to you" dally covered my mouth

i stayed silent, confused. "dally what happened?..."

"some kid spike your drink"

"what?" i almost had the gut feeling of throwing up

dally sighed. "listen while we were talking. i noticed some kid put something in your drink. i was going to tell you but i knew you wouldn't believe me"

"oh..." i didn't know what to say. "thank you though for getting me out. i knew if i drank more i would've passed out"

dally smirked. "anytime sweetheart"

"please don't call me that..."

"sorry i'll try my hardest not too" he laughed, before grabbing keys from his desk. "listen i'll drive you home, it's almost two am"

© mutuxl_strxwberry

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