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"shit!" dally cursed at the bottle toss game he kept on loosing at

the fair was packed with people. turns out some of the people were some of the boys pony was friend's with from school, which made pony and johnny leave us alone

of course i knew dally was happy we got alone time but i was still hurt by his words. dally promised to explained but i knew he wouldn't

i just stood behind him as he tried again

"dal we should probably go somewhere else?" i offered him, trying to get him to go

"this is bullshit anyway" he rolled his eyes, "i saw you looking at that bear" he said as we walked away

i laughed. "is that why you were there for so long?"

he shook his head, not saying anything

"that was the first nice thing you said all day" he groaned. "you only laughed right now"

i crossed my arms. "well because you promised to explain why did you say that about me!"

dally shrugged. "listen, i was mad because you couldn't sleep in the same bed as me"

"yeah dally, that's a really big move for me" i cleared my throat

"i'm sorry, k?" dally raised his hands onto the air

i just nodded, I knew dally got mad easily so thinking it now he must of said it through rage

as dally and i walked down, i noticed a photo booth

dally must of noticed me staring at it. "hey listen doll, let's head to the photo booth?"

i nodded, walking alongside dally to the booth. everyone at the booth were couples, some were people i'd met from the dx and in the pass week

"hey angelica!" kathy called, she was with a couple of others girls she hung out with. "didn't know you and dal were actually a thing?"

ever since the party that night, kathy had stopped by and gave me dallas key's to his room because she thought i was with him. kathy and i begun hanging out and learnt she was really nice person to be with

"kathy i told you this" i scoffed, taking dally's keys out. "forgot to give these to you"

dally took the keys, looking away from the group hoping no one saw him with us

dally knew if people say him with me the word would get out. even though dally broke up with sylvia he knew how psycho she was. he knew if she found out he liked someone else and wanted to be with someone he actually liked she would make his relationship a living hell

he lit up a cigarette, breathing out long huffs of smoke

"dally that booth is open" i pointed, dally took me by the hand

as we walked into the booth, we sat on the red seat. dally put in a quarter to start the timer

"smile okay?" i looked up at him, then i begun to think i had never seen dally smile

he shrugged and put an arm around my shoulder, he brought me closer to him

"dally!" i laughed. "arms off!"

i pushed him aside but he came closer to my neck

"huh you don't like being close to me?" he raised an eyebrow

i smiled. "no it's just you're too close"

dallas ignore what i'd said. "you're smile is so beautiful..."

"wont you stop?" i playfully hit his shoulder, annoyed by his actions

dally moved his hands to my stomach, placing his head onto my shoulder

"dal!" i almost cried, dally never had touch me like that

"dal!" he mocked, snickering

before dally and i could go on, the curtain of the booth flung open

there stood kathy and now she was with two-bit. "hey lovebirds your turn is open" kathy called, two-bit knew if he had said that to dallas, dally would shatter his jaw

dally smirked, noticing two-bit holding our photo. dallas took it away from him, analyzing it

he then threw it at me. "keep it"

i looked at he photos, seeing laughter and joy come from our expressions. i placed the photo into my purse

"hey dally, kathy and i wee going to go on the roller coaster you guys wanna go?" two-bit raised an eyebrow, offering us

dally shook his head. "i'll see you later two"

as dallas and i walked off, he took me in front of a ferris wheel

"dally i'm not going on that!" i exclaimed. "i hate heights"

"angelica it's fine" he shrugged. "it ain't gunna be bad"

I sighed, giving in what he wanted to do

as we went into the line, a couple of girls stared at dally. i couldn't tell if they were intimated by his looks or were terrified. one of them flirtatiously waved at him, he bit her lip

dally smirked, winking back at her. it didn't bother me if dally was flirting with others

"i guess you find a girl pretty huh?" i joked, seeing how he was acting

he dragged his cigar. "cut it out"

once dally and i got onto the ferris wheel, he gave me a long stare

"angelica you wanna stay at my place tonight?" dally raised an eyebrow

"i think i'll stay mine" i answered

dally scoffed. he moved closer to me kn the seat. his lips were inches away from mine. he took out his cigarette, coming closer to me

"dally please..." i pushed him away. dally then slouched in his spot, he knew my reaction was coming

the rest of the ride we were silent, not a word came from either of our mouths. once we had gotten off, i looked him in the eye

"dally it's late and ii should be going home" i sighed, "nice seeing you..."

"yeah" dally spoke, not saying anything further

walking away from him in that moment made me want to not. i wanted to still be with him, i wanted dally by my side. i couldn't tell why i wanted these things

but dally knew he wanted the same

© mutuxl_strxwberry

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