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dally was behind the bar, his hands rested on the counter, he smirked watching me sip the coke he'd gave me

dally and i been flirting for the past couple hours of him needed to work, just to pay his rent

"doll, i got five minutes left" dally rinsed out a glass, cleaning the inside with a rag, "why not left early?"

"dally no!" I protested, "you can't just—"

"shhh" dally then jumped over the counter. "baby i need everyone to know i am yours"

dally grabbed me by the arm, without any hesitation. he dragged me around buck's room filled with other dancing

the music roared from the record player, kids screaming and laughing, girls moving their body against other men, trying to have fun

dally hands rested on my waist, he pulled me closer against his skin, his heavy breath of cigars and mint hit my skin so hot and heavenly

"fuck angelica..." he whispered, "i love every inch of you..."

as the music begun playing from the record player, i knew where this was going. i stepped away from dally, knowing i wasn't going to dance right against his body

it felt too close, too close where i was going to fall in love

dally watched my hips sway to the music, my skirt flare up, almost showing my upper thigh

his lips formed into a smirk, please at what he was seeing. dally love everything he was seeing, only if things stayed that way

i felt a hand pressed against my waist, dally behind me. he knew how much i dislike pda, people watched from the corner of their eyes, seeing myself against dally's boys, dancing

my cheeks turned pink, i looked up at him as i slowly begun to stop. "d-dal...everyone is y'know..."

"do i give a shit?" dally groaned, "come on, i want everyone know you're mine"

my eyes filled with guilt. dally really love me, he really wanted everyone to know we love each other. but i was the one who had played the stunt, the one who got sodapop and steve to spy, it was all me

"dally no..." i held his hands, up to my chest. "it's getting late, really we should head out"

dally lips remained silent, he just nodded. dally knew how uncomfortable angelica was, he hated being the one causing her pain

"listen dal..." i rubbed his arm, trying to be sweet about it. "ever since that article came out, i don't know dally, i hate how they called you hoodlum. i really love you, please know that, it's just i'm afraid of people telling the whole world i love you. dally if the cops know i'm with you, your police history might make you thrown into the cooler again"

"baby don't worry" dally rubbed my cheek, i looked down with shame and worry. "trust me, i would beat the shit out of the person who did it"

my throat ached, only if he knew it was me

our attention was then grabbed by someone else calling.

"winston! back at the counter! you still owe five minutes!"

dallas quickly kissed my cheek, "i'll see you in a bit"

as dally left myself alone, i sinker my teeth through my lip, worried and panic dallas would find out soon what i really wanted him for

the desperate want of air, i left the compact room, going off onto the porch

it was empty, barely a person on sight. a few burnt out cigarettes were scatter around the ground, my heels stepping onto them

leaning against the railing, my arms crossed. i looked over at my right, seeing sodapop lips leaving a girls, angela's

as his lips escaped away from hers, soda wiped the lipstick stain she had left on his cheek. soda noticed me standing their in distressed. soda now was beside me, starring at the sky filled with darkness and not a single sight of light

"hey angel" he smiled, always beaming. "how's dal?"

"he's been okay..." i played with the ends of my hair. "soda i'm just so worried. it's so wrong i used dally for the newspaper, really it is"

"angelica you needed to get out of your problem" soda expressed. "i was more than happy to help you out, those photos steve and i took really helped you out. if nothing like me helping you didn't occur, you still would be trapped"

"i guess you're right" my lips parted, the taste of strawberries and cherries lingers within my mouth, trying to find the right words to speak. "using dally was something i needed but soda i do l—"

"you little bitch!"

my eyes widen, tears swelled up. my body ached, seeing dally behind the both of us

dally grabbed soda by the collar. "you fucking did that? you really help that slut?"


before words left soda's mouth, dally threw him onto the ground. soda's head banged against the railing, the loud ruckus caused an enormous group of people to surround the two boys

dally sat on top of soda, his hands raging. dally's gripped tighten has he held soda close to his face. he swung a punch, causing soda's nose to bleed. dally blood boiled knowing soda and steve were behind the photos and hurt because of angelica

"you dick..." dallas mumbled. "tell me where the fuck steve is! fucking say it!"

"dally!"  i tried to push him off soda. "dally that's it!"

"fuck off you bitch" dally cursed, "you used me for your little plan huh? just to get out of new york so you could fuck more men here"

"baby no..." i grabbed onto the sleeve of his leather jacket, not wanting to lose it. "i love you please...."

"no you don't" dally groaned, "no you fucking don't"

dally turned to soda who was still in the ground, he was about to pull him up, ready to beat the living shit of soda

"dally!" buck yelled, his eyes fumed. "dally out!" he raged, dally had gotten in enough of reckless fights, this was pulling the last straw

dally turned to me, not speaking any words. his eyes weren't soft and sweet like they were when we dated, they became the hard and cold ones everyone knew dallas had

i didn't have anything to say, but just cry

what i loved was gone

© mutuxl_strxwberry

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