𝐭 𝐡 𝐢 𝐫 𝐭 𝐞 𝐞 𝐧

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s ᴛ ʀ ᴇ ᴇ ᴛ s

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s ʀ s

"soda i think i'm going insane" i told him as we walked down the street

soda and i met up at his place and i knew i needed to talk to him about what's been on my mind. i gotten closer with kathy, but i needed to get to know her a bit more to talk about what's been going on in my life, so for now i've been going to sodapop

ever since dally had told me he might be falling for me when we ran away front eh cops he had stuck on to me. i was too nervous anxious to explain to sodapop what dally had said

soda put his hands into his pocket. "what's on your mind angel?"

"i think i might like dally..." i murmured, hoping soda wouldn't be upset or mad

"angelica you can like dally but..." soda looked me in the eye. "do you want a serious relationship or do you just want a scandal?"

"that's the problem" i pointed out. "i can't tell if the reason why i like him is because of my feelings or stupidity"

"but angelica" soda continued. "if you like dally, we can get the word out that you're now with your let's say "fiancé" soda bent his fingers over the word fiancé. "and then after the media knows you're starting your life here, you can make the decision if you want to be with dallas or not"

"soda that's a really good plan" i smiled. "but i just want dally for my scandal that's all"

"then just fake liking him" soda shrugged. "i an tell you're not in love with him, you just like him because of your problem"

"i guess so..."

"tomorrow is dal's birthday" soda told me

i narrowed my eyes. "dally never talked about his birthday"

"he never really does" he explained. "but tomorrow just go to him and admit you like him. while you two are together, steve and i can get photos of you two and send it over to the newspaper"

"thanks soda really..." i nudge his elbow. soda lips formed a smile: "oh shoot" i noticed the time on his watch. "i promised kathy to go to this drag race i think, i should be heading out"

"don't worry about" soda fixed the collar of his flannel. "i'll see you later"

d r a g  r a c e

the seats were flooded with people, everyone's eyes were ready to see the race go on

kathy and i found ourselves waiting by the seats, she held a bag of popcorn offering it to me

"angelica, something on your mind?" she noticed how nerve racky i looked

i knew i just needed to start actually being with dallas just to get out of my issue, but knew how i would leave dally. but then again i wasn't for sure if he would care as much as i do

"oh nothing..." i rubbed the back of my neck

her eyes looked up and down at me. "your outfit is so nice angelica! why not you go flirt with some boys here hun?"

"no..." i denied her offer. "i rather not"

"is it because dallas and you?" kathy asked. "like i'm surprise you would be with someone like dally, you're literally a super model here and dating someone like him"

"kathy don't ever call me a super model" i groaned. "i really don't say tell anyone this but..."

then i went on to her about ray, the offer to dot hair magazines, what i wanted, and how i felt about dally. i told her what i wanted to do tomorrow night. i have learnt to bond with her for the past two weeks and knew kathy was someone i trusted

after i vented to her i noticed kathy in complete shock. "oh woah. but you know if sylvia finds out you're playing with her ex's feelings she would kill you"

"dally said she didn't even care for her!" i expressed, throwing my coke an onto the ground. "she literally cheated on him when he was in jail, for the love of god. she didn't give two shits about him—"

"i didn't know you care that much?"

a familiar voiced chuckled behind us and there stood dally. dally held a can of beer in one hand and a cigar in the other

"oh god..."

dally wore a leather jacket with blue jeans. his muscle tee was white and against his skin, it revealed and traced his muscle beneath

kathy smiled. "i'll leave you two love birds alone" she walked away, winking at the both of us

dally took a sip out of his drink. "didn't know you liked talking about me to all your gals. are you lying that i'm your boyfriend?"

"no!" i insisted. "she just told me about how it syl—"

"wont you stop talking about her, she ain't relevant" dallas groaned, he burnt out the cigar before throwing it on to the floor to step on

i wanted to express to dally how i "felt" in that moment, the words couldn't escape my mouth and when they started to. the sounds of the cars motor's roared and begun the race

i looked up at dallas and knew tomorrow i would begin lying to him and myself i liked him

© mutuxl_strxwberry

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