𝐭 𝐰 𝐞 𝐧 𝐭 𝐲 𝐭 𝐡 𝐫 𝐞 𝐞

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it was the beginning of august and my aunt had came home. i was delighted she was finally home, but apart of me still wish i had the house to myself

dallas would now have to sneak in through the window to see, even if she thinks he's sodapop

standing at the counter at the dx, i waited to talked to steve and sodapop about how last week dally and i are together

"so?" steve spoke, coming out of the break room. "you're eating up our break time, hurry this shit up"

sodapop then came behind steve, his dx hat on. "angelica so do you wanna do it tonight?"

i wasn't ready to go on a date in the public with dally. with sodapop and steve carrying a huge camera around just to get photos of us


"then why the fuck are you here?" steve groaned, grabbing the windshield cleaner from the drawer

"i just wanted to say—"

i didn't even know what i wanted to say. in that moment, i felt like saying i won't break up with dally after but i just didn't know if that was what i wanted

then a firm hand was brought to my waist, a touch that reminded of the first time he had held me so innocently

"hey doll" dally whispered near my ear, kissing me on the neck as a welcome

sodapop and steve just stared at us two, dally looked up at them with a piercing glare, his expression was unpleasant to the two boys

"dally no pda i told you this" i tried to push his face away from my neck, getting heated by the situation

dally then stopped and threw his keys at sodapop. "someone slash my tires the way here, i need them fix"

sodapop caught his keys, nudging steve. "buddy you gotta help me"

steve groaned, i knew he wanted to to lay on the break room couch for longer

as the left the dx corner store, i looked up at dally

"my aunt came back home yesterday" i explained. "so no more coming over"

"what?" dally let out a groan, unhappy with my decision. "she thinks i'm sodapop anyway"

"yeah, sodapop comes over every night to kiss his girlfriend" i laughed. "that ain't going to go well"

"fine by me" dally took his hands from my waist, walking through the aisles of stuff the dx had

he grabbed a back cigarettes from one of aisles, putting it in the pocket of his denim jeans

"dally!" my eyes widen. "you can't—"

"shhh" he placed finger onto my lips. "we all steal its fine. you should see two-bit, he lifts up bottles and bottles of liquor and no one suspects a thing"

"you're crazy" i rubbed my neck from where dally had missed it. concern and worried i asked. "you didn't give a mark or anything right?"

"doll it's fine" dally shrugged

"my aunt is going to ask how did i come back from the gas station with a hicky?" i crocked a brow, hoping he'll understand

"it's my gift to you" he said, pressing his lips onto mine, "come on let me take you somewhere"

"dally no" i denied his offer. "i should probably go back home"

"babe please" dallas pleaded with the same look he always gave me. "i wanna hang with you"

"dally we can't go back to my place anymore" i explained. "neither yours. last week when you took me someone had pocket your keys and was using your room"

flashbacks of our last date came to my mind, thinking about dally plugging onto the door, trying to twist the knob open

"dally i've to go" my eyes sorrow, look at his. hoping he wouldn't be upset

"see ya doll" dally came close to my skin, giving me a searing kiss as his way to say goodbye

i felt his tongue pressed against mine, close. my heart skip a beat, then another, third. god i wish i didn't love him

i wanted his touch, i wanted to say i love you so bad, but only could once i knew he was mine

© mutuxl_strxwberry

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