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"dally?" i looked up at him, his lips formed a grin

"hey sweetheart" he laughed. "whatcha up too?"

dally still standing there grinning, he wore a muscle tee with jeans, he looked directly into my eyes

"dally i'm supposed to not be out right now if that's why you came" i sighed, pulling down my shorts as i felt him staring at my upper thigh

he laughed before pushing me aside, he made himself home

"dally!" i yelled. "i can't have anyone over"

"I don't see your aunt" dally rolled his eyes. "its fine she thinks i'm sodapop anyway"

"dally she went abroad" i explained, "i can't have any boys over"

"what boys do you have over huh?" he smirked, nudging my shoulder

dally looked around the place, i stared down at his shoes

"dally if you're staying here shoes off" i pointed them out

he snickered. "thanks for letting me stay"

"oh fuck"

dally kicked off his shoes, taking a cigarette from his pocket. he lit up up, huffing a few puffs

he took a long breath. "what do you even have here?"

he made himself to the kitchen, looking through the fridge. he grabbed a can of alcohol. my aunt and i never drank, she must had it when my other relatives came over

"thanks a lot dal" i crossed my arms. "now she'll think i drank it"

"you gotta stop worrying all the time doll" dally threw the can into the trash

i gave him a blanked stare. "dally you can stay here if you want, i'm heading to my room"

"wait doll—" he called as i went up the stairs

i ignore his voice, i knew he would follow me up. i lay stomach down onto my bed, picking up pony's book from my desk

i felt someone's presence behind me, i looked behind myself to see dally on the edge on my bed

"sweetheart won't you spend time with me?" his tone was making me even more annoyed

I threw the book onto the floor, getting myself up. "what do you want"

he bit the side of his pendant on the necklace. "listen angelica, i came here for a favour"

"what now?" i looked up at him before he grinned again

dally's grinned soon faded away. "listen i know that little broad is up some guy's ass tonight. i just need you to come to the bar with me so i can confront her"

"dally you're tough enough to do that on your own" i stared at him. "the answer is no"

"baby please" he pleaded his eyes went huge, his dark eyes that showed nothing but coldness faded away, his eyes became innocent

"okay dal..." i mumbled, "do i need to wear a dress?"

"yeah" he rolled his eyes, looking through my clothes

dally threw my clothes all over the place, trying to find something

then i noticed he wasn't looking through my drawers of clothing

"dally!" i snatched my bra from his hands, he smiled

he eyed my chest area. "i can already imagine it just on you. fuck"

"fuck off!" i thwacked the back of his head

rolling his eyes he looked at me. "who are you trying to impress with all that lingerie?" he held another bra of mine before i could take it away from him

"dally it isn't lingerie" i argued

ignoring what i just told him he scoffed, opening my closet. he looked at my dresses, trying to find something

"fuck..." he murmured, eyeing a mini dressed i'd brought from town square back in nyc

"what on your eyes on now?" i groaned, almost seeing him rubbing his hands against the fabric of the dress

"wear this" he grabbed the hanger, throwing it onto the floor

the fabric reflected a shiny light green with flowers, i knew if my aunt saw that on my body she'll freak out

"dally i'm not wearing something that revealing in front of you"

"come on" he begged, "i'll keep my eyes off you, i just need to you there so if sylvia denies she's cheating, she'll think i'm cheating with her on you"

"no" i crossed my arms, picking up my book

dallas grabbed my book, raising it above my head

"give it back dal!" i attempted to reach for it

he smirked, "just fucking go with me"

© mutuxl_strxwberry

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