𝐭 𝐰 𝐞 𝐧 𝐭 𝐲 𝐬 𝐞 𝐯 𝐞 𝐧

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my heels clack onto the ground,i played with my hair. giving it volume. my blue dress was tighten against my skin, bring even more curves i didn't have

 my blue dress was tighten against my skin, bring even more curves i didn't have

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i felt so uncomfortable in the dress, just like the night i wore that green one. i dislike how my thighs and waist was in the dress, they felt so wide

i asked kathy and evie if i could wear something more settle like a sun dress, but they refused saying the party we were going to everyone was dressed up

the party was at some soc's house. they explained way before there was this whole rivalry between the boys, but know it settle down a lot

of course, you still have greasers getting accuse of stealing and soc's not. somethings never changed

as us three walked into house, many people were already boozed up and acting unconscious

i was scared seeing dallas tonight, still hurt from knowing the sunset spot wasn't meaningful, just his way to try and have 'sex' with me

i felt so odd standing in the middle between evie and kathy. it's like they knew how tusla was and i didn't. they both were in black, dresses shorter than mine, heavy eye makeup. but i wasn't

"angelica" evie said, almost screaming for me to hear over the music. "you need to have some fun tonight!"

"like what?" i laughed, knowing i wasn't going to do anything

"why not hook up with a guy?" she suggested, nudging my elbow

but i nearly spat out my cherry coke, in horror. "evie are you insane? i'm with dally!"

"angel..." kathy sighed. "no girl here doesn't hook up with other guys when in a relationship" kathy explained

"so you two have cheated on your boyfriends before?" i nearly screamed but the two shook there head. "no, i couldn't do that to dallas. never"

kathy took a drag on her cigarette. "you're really special angelica. you so different to all the girls dally has been with"

"maybe that's why he's all crazy about you" evie laughed. "steve told me dally had never gone to the dingo with them to watch a rom com. but there he went, because he knows how much they mean to you"

"two bit told me dally asked ponyboy to help him to write something once" kathy added. "and for gods sake dally ain't even in school. he wanted to write something to you"

i was surprise hearing what they were telling me. i thought dally didn't care for me as much because of the whole sunset spot. i believed myself that he saw me as another broad. but maybe i was something to him

"speaking of the devil" kathy snickered, seeing two-bit afar with dally. dally locked eye contact with kathy, he then noticed me standing by her in blue

dally, without me knowing. came from my behind, grabbing me onto my waist, he kissed the top of my head. "hey doll, missed you" his new york accent thick and strong, i loved the way he sounded when saying doll

i turned my head to the side, looking up at him. dally height was way drastic, with him being six foot and me down at five'four. "hey dally"

he smelled heavy of alcohol, "d-dally have you been drinking?"

"nah" he scoffed. "last night after our date buck got me behind the bar"

"oh okay" i sighed with relief, i knew how mad and sometimes needy he got when he was drunk

evie then stepped into our conversation. "angelica some of the girls are at the porch, you wanna come?"

"sure" i answered, my lips then reached onto dally's cheek, on my tippy toes. "see you soon"

"love you" he whispered, hoping nobody could hear his words of affection

as us three walked up to the porch, through the glass doors we saw many girls i had hung out with them. i wasn't super social to them like evie and kathy were, but i had waved hi a couple of times to them

kathy ran through the porch doors, hugging one of them. "hey gal! how have you been?"

"been good" the brunette smiled, then she saw me. "angelica is it? you're dally's girl right?"

"yeah" i laughed did everyone know i was his?

"oh we were about to play truth or dare" one of them said, the girls were standing the the rail f the porch

evie answered for us before we could respond. "of course!"

kathy then came close to me, "angel if you don't wanna play i can get dally"

"no it's okay" i answered. "i doubt it'll get crazy"

as we stood there, the girls dared eachother crazy things, evie had to go skinny dipping with one of the girls in the lake near by. some of girls revealed secrets like kathy revealed she had hooked up with someone before when she was drunk, thinking it was two-bit

then one of the turned me to. "angelica truth or dare?"

i was going to say dare, but hearing everything people had done for a dare, truth was safer


"is dally actually like amazing in bed?" one of them spoke, "like all the girls who have done it rave how good he is"

my cheeks got red. we hadn't done it yet. i couldn't just say i am a virgin to them. dally knew how this was a bit sensitive to me so that's why he never we forced it on me


right then, in the corner of my eye. i saw dally kissing sylvia

© mutuxl_strxwberry

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