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i came back from the dingo with kathy and some of the girls met from the fair a couple days ago

i begun to pick up my book where i'd left at, but before i could read a line i heard a muffle sound coming from my window

i looked to my right, seeing dally coming through it

"what the fuck!" i nearly screamed. "dally how did you come up here?"

"i have experience" he climbed through the window, getting into my room

i warned him. "dally get out"

"oh come on man" dally rolled his eyes. "you know how hard it took me to climb to the second floor?"

"that's why you're crazy" i exclaimed. "dallas out, my aunt will hear you"

"she ain't here" he laughed. "stop lying to me"

i sighed, i moved him aside. "dally out, I don't want you here"

"why do you hate me so much huh?" dally looked at me with a blank stare

"you're irritating" i pointed out. "the list can go on"

"i'll wait" he sat on my chair, putting his feet up on my desk

i grew more impatient. "just go!"

"oh my lord" dally raised his hands in the air. "i'm terrified!"

he laughed sarcastically, i just stood there

"what do you even want?" i asked, i knew dally only came to me if he needed or wanted something

dallas shrugged. "doll you ain't rebellious at all"

"and?" i raised an eyebrow. "why would i want to be?"

"you need to do something exciting" dally took his feet off the table, "you're in tusla for gods sake. people get fucking high in the streets here"

"that's why i rather stay here" i told him

dally shook his head. "i'm taking you out tonight, you need to have fun. all the shit i see you doing is going to the dx or hanging with some girls"

"that's how i prefer my life to be like" i explained, my eyes in locked into his, he gave me a hard cold look

dally then looked at my wall filled with photos i'd taken from years before and now with kathy

𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐋𝐘𝐍 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐋 || 𝐃𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐒 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now