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that night, ms.covery who lived across the street asked me to watch her son. my aunt always looked after him, but since she was miles and miles away, ms.covery saw responsibility in me and begged for me to take care of him

i agreed because i didn't have anything important to do

her son was about nine and named daniel. daniel was a sweet, innocent, and intelligent boy

daniel was on the kitchen table, doing his math homework. i watched him drag his pencil a crossed the paper

his mother said she would be here by nine to pick up, it was only fifteen minutes until nine, but it didn't bother me at all

since dally had been around town doing his own thing, i hadn't seen him since roller skating which really bump me out

i was constantly worried and stairs what he was up too. my biggest concern was what if he had been with sylvia and what she said was true. even though he seemed like he didn't care seeing her last week, it still bother me

even from last week when i hung out with kathy and some of her girls. they warned me more about dally

as i held daniel on the next problem, i heard a knock on my door. i got up as opened the door wide, there stood dally on my form porch

"baby..." he mumbled before he begun kissing me

dally welcome himself in and continued to kiss me, i tried to pull myself away because i was a bit upset with him, but also daniel was here

"angelica!" daniel almost screamed. seeing two teenagers kids each other

"who this pip squeak?" dallas scoffed, hearing a child's voice interrupt him and i

"pip squeak!" daniel got often by the older male. "i'm telling my mommy!"

"i'm telling my mommy" dally mocked the child, "baby i want alone time"

"dally where have you been?" i exclaimed in a concern tone. "i haven't seen you..."

dally threw his jean jacket off onto the couch, his arms bare in just a muscle tee. his muscles embrace themselves through the fabric

my cheeks got hot staring at dally like that, forgetting a bit why i was upset

"who invited the child huh?" dally rolled his eyes, walking up to him. "hey kid i'll pay you a buck to leave"

daniel refused by shaking his head. "more"

"daniel isn't going anyway" i stopped the two to get any further. "his mom will be here soon dally"

dally scoffed, going to the pantry to find something to eat

i rolled my eyes of the sight of dally, i begun helping daniel put his things in his school bag since his mother would be here any minute

"hey kid" dally called, as he picked up random things in the pantry. daniel turned his head and looked at dally. "listen, i want alone time with my girl, so if you just walk out the door right now—"

"dally no" i refused everything he was saying

soon enough there was a knock in the door and daniel stuck out his tongue at dally. he really hated him for just talking for a bit

as i opened the door, ms covery stood by and smile. "thank you so much angelica"

"no problem" i chuckled, daniel soon came rushing to his mother. he waved bye to me and glared at dally who had a dirty look on his face

as i closed the door, dally canned close wrapped his hands around my waist from my behind

he kissed my neck, his lips closer to me than ever. the heavy smell of his cigarette lingered between us

"dally..." i held his jaw, "please tell me where you were?"

"the cops wanted me in for something" he scoffed, as he guided us to the couch. "i had to stay my place, baby sorry for scarring you like that"

"it's okay" i mumbled, looking in his gaze. "sylvia told me you are just using me..."

"that isn't true" dally admitted, staring into my eyes with his full attention

we started at each other for a bit, admiring one another. dally grins and stared at my lips. i rub my hand against his lower stomach while he leans in for another peck. dally's hand goes up my waist to my jaw, rubbing his thumb against my skin

as our lips spread apart from one another, i ran my fingers through his hair, playing with it. dally loved it when i would play with his hair, i could tell by the way his eyes would in lock with mine, showing care and affection

"somebody missed me" i laughed while dally rolled his eyes

dally sat there in silence as i played with his hair more. as my hands ran through his hair for the last time, i rested them on my lap

dally eyed my lap, noticing me in just my blue pyjamas. he then rubbed his hand against my thigh, i almost jumped since dallas had never touch me that way before

"don't be so scared sweetheart..." dally whispered in a soft tone, trying to comfort me

"i'm sorry dal..." i looked up at him. "i was just scared, you know you're the first boy who had touch me like that"

"and it'll stay that way" dally rubbed his hand up my upper thigh, getting closer to my inner thigh. his metal rings and his veins popped out of his hands, making what he was doing even more attractive

his fingers pressed against my skin, my cheeks got red. i placed my face into my hands, hoping dally wouldn't see myself flustered by him

dally chuckled, he grabbed me by the neck and kissed me. my arms wing around his neck, the smell of strong cheap cologne and burnt out cigars was present. dallas traced his hand down my body and pulled me closer

he lay flat with me on top of him. dally's hand traced down my leg, he grasped onto my thigh

"dally..." i mumbled between kisses, his lips moved down my jaw to my neck

the warmth of his lips came against the skin of my neck. he left love marks to stay for a week

"don't kiss me that hard..." i giggled, looking down at dally who's lips were between my neck and jaw

dally made his lips back to my mine, we continued to make out and mumbled things between

"you like that huh?" dally mumbled, in a quiet voice. i blushed

dallas pulled me up as he continued to kiss me, i leaned back and was pressed against the couch as he lay right beside me. his lips moved around my neck, i rested my hand on the back of his neck

i let out a little whimper, "dally.."

dally rested his head onto my chest, my fingers rna through his hair once more

i missed this and this so much. but of course, all things were going to crash down

© mutuxl_strxwberry

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