𝐭 𝐰 𝐞 𝐧 𝐭 𝐲 𝐞 𝐢 𝐠 𝐡 𝐭

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words couldn't explain how hurt I felt seeing his lips in hers. i dropped my pop bottle, it shatter onto the ground

the girls around me jumped from the shock of the pop bottle breaking on the floor

my eyes swelled, i left everyone behind to go and just talk to dally

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fifteen minutes ago

dally looked out the window, his eyes soften, watching angelica laugh

he was in love with her, the sight of her, her beauty, the way her hips moved side to side as she dance with some of the girls

dally then felt a girl's hand on his chest, she looked at his daze. "missed you"

sylvia was in front of dally, dally pushed her off. "sylvia. the fuck?"

sylvia rolled her eyes, her cherry red lips were close to his. "dally i know you missed me"

"no i don't" dally declared, his voice firm

sylvia looked around the room, seeing angelica through the glass door. "your goody two shoes girlfriend isn't any better than me. you know that winston!" she groaned. "she's a whore" sylvia elongate

dally's jaw clenched, his eyes harden. "the fuck did you call her you bitch?"

"she's a whore" sylvia expressed. "dally your fucking girlfriend a playboy model. she has men staring at her body"

"hey!" dally nearly yelled. "don't you fucking ever call my girl—"

sylvia pressed her lips onto dally's. her cherry lipstick went all over his lips like how it use to

before i could cry, dally pushed sylvia off by the sight of me "sylvia! what the fuck was that?"

"aw look at poor angelica" she laughed. my eyes water more

"doll listen..." dally grabbed me by his arm. "i didn't mean to kiss her. she fucking kissed me! she called you awful things, baby please i fucking hate that bi—"

"dally it's almost my curfew" i looked up at him, rubbing his hands. "i've to go" my fingers left his, i felt heartbroken then before, i didn't want to hear the story now or ever

as angelica walked away, dally's hand made a fist. his eyes darted at sylvia. if she was a boy he would beat the living shit out of her

dally drove off right then and there. he didn't speak a word. once he parked the car at buck's. his friends there hollered at him, trying to get him in a poker game

dally ignored them and went straight to his room. dally screamed. "fuck!"

he punched the wall, raging. he hated it so much thinking how angelica was hurt. he needed to make things better tomorrow

dally went to his dresser, looking at the photo he had placed face down, it was a photograph of them, from the photobooth that night. dally had an extra copy but never told angelica

he stared at it, his hands aching from punching the wall. he stared at the money on the dresser, his tips from working some nights and money he'd pick pocket

blood begun to burst from the cuts from the wall, dally ignored it, it wasn't anything new. he lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. he felt like his world was crumbling down, dally was close to crying. he hadn't cried in years

m o r n i n g

i was cleaning out the closet with my aunt, it was her annual summer cleaning. i had been thinking about dally. i hope he was okay, but a part of me needed to break his heart to be free because of the amount of times he did

i threw pair of heels out of the closet, but my aunt stoped me. "oh my god angelica! these heels were your mothers" she expressed. "when we first came to tusla, we would party so much" my aunt went on. "when i saw you and your gals getting you all ready for the party last night it brought me so much joy"

"auntie" i looked up at her. "could i keep my mom's heels?"

"of course angelica!" she shoved them into my hands. "these were the same heels she wore when she meant your father. it was love at first sight"

"wait so mom and dad weren't arranged?" i was surprise to hear this, my whole life i was told they arranged through families

"the parents said it was arranged" she laughed. "but i knew they had met before"

as i stared at the heel's, they were pink pumps. my parents fell in love when my mother stood in these shoes

"i bet you angel" she stared at them. "when you wear these, your soulmate will be there"

i kept the shoes on the side, away from the piles of keep and giveaway

the door bell rang, i looked at my aunt. "i'll grab it"

as i walked to the door, my hand went onto the doorknob. i slowly twist the knob

dally was in front of my eyes, his hands were bruised and shaking. a bouquet of roses were between his fingers

i stared up at him, my lips parted. "dally..."

"angelica please" he begged. "i didn't kiss her, she kissed me and i—"

i pressed my lips onto his, not needing words for him to explain. the warmth of him was all i needed. my bare legs felt the demon jeans he wore, his biceps flexed as he moved one of his hands to my jaw, still holding the roses in the other

"baby i brought you these" he gave them to me, "I know how receiving flowers are important. i know hydrangeas are your favourite, but the florist didn't have any..."

"it's perfect dally" i expressed, "really i love them"

dally grabbed onto my waist, he kissed my neck. "god i love you"

"mhm" i answered, loving the feeling of his touch

but i knew i couldn't get attached at all, i needed to get myself out of my own problem before learning to love someone

© mutuxl_strxwberry

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