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i cried in bed that night. i held my book to my chest, trying to read and get dallas and sylvia out of my mind. i felt hurt and my love for him was pointless

in the morning, i didn't budge to leave bed. but kathy went to the dx earlier and found out from sodapop what had happened. guess the word came out

kathy was at my door, i wasn't going to open it. well until she found a way in, last night i'd forgotten to lock it

"angelica..." she enetered my room, seeing myself lying in bed

i hid my face from her, my lipstick was smeared and mascara was on my cheeks. I had cried like this, but never for a boy until now

"dally is really sorry" kathy explained, comforting me. "he told soda what happened and left buck's to find you"

that's how soda knew

"mhm.." i mumbled, i didn't want to hear a word about dallas

kathy sighed. "listen you need a girls day. evie and i are heading to the record store to listen to the new records they got. they have your fav, strawberry milkshakes"

i could tell kathy was trying to make me feel better. that was the sweet thing about her. even though kathy display a cold, careless, and wild persona. she always tried to make me feel better

even on our beach trip where we'd gotten close, she talked me into wearing that bikini. i refused and knew my body wouldn't suit it at all, but kathy told me she wasn't going to wear one if i didn't

"angelica let's see what you have" she opened my closet door, looks through my hangers. "this is cute"

she threw a white dress that open and flowed at the cuffs onto my bed. she also grabbed a scarf of mine from my drawer

kathy compared my style at lot to a soc. maybe it was the dresses i wore and the bright colours. but i personally prefer those things over the dark coloured blouses kathy wore

"kathy i rather not" i placed the book onto my desk, the book pages were covered in tears, i guess i would buy ponyboy another copy

"if you're at home for longer you're going to be thinking" kathy told me, she was right

"okay you win" i sighed, taking my clothes to the washroom, getting ready for today

"angelica please let me do a updo with your hair" she begged through the washroom door

i laughed. "fine but that's because i have no energy to do so"

v a l l e y  r e c o r d s

the record store was filled with people. it had a small bar with severs and a record player in the back. multiple ones were around the store for people to test out records they might want to purchase. the noise in the building was a cluster of music because of that, many random elvis songs since rock is all what people listen to hear

evie at first didn't like me, just thought i was trying to take steve away. but of course steve talked to her, letting her know i wasn't bad at all

"so angelica?" evie played with her straw, pushing down the whip cream. "you really fallen for dallas huh?"

i almost chocked on my drink, evie didn't know as much as kathy but i was surprise she knew

"sylvia said dally got hollered in by the cops for drunk driving last night" she continued. "dally had really like you huh? he didn't give a shit if he was thrown into the cooler driving to your place"

"dally never liked me" i explained, kathy could tell i was getting tense. "and he's in jail?" i asked in a concerned worried tone

evie nods and doesn't say another word

kathy shook her head. "evie, won't you like to talk about your love interest huh?"

evie face got red. "oh don't mentioned steve! at the bonfire the other night, at the beach house i saw him with some girl for wisconsin"

us two laugh, we both knew how steve was. evie couldn't stand steve at all, but she still loved him

as our day went on, i knew i wanted to see dallas at the jail, evie told me he was going to be there're for a week. i knew i had to see him before things grew worse between us

© mutuxl_strxwberry

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