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the sun peaked between the blinds, awaken dally and i. i guess we'd lost track of time and dally was here on my chest, his arms around my waist

he looked up, dally's lips curved into a smile. "morning doll"

he gave a small peck on my cheek, my face tinted pink, blushing by his actions. dally stroke my hair, pushing it back. "god you're so beautiful" dally admire every inch of me

dally kissed the neckline of my deep cami top, close to my chest area. i laughed, pushing him away. "dally you kissed me enough last night"

"and?" he raised an eyebrow, he tugged on my hair tie. dallas pull it out, my hair draped down my shoulders, brushing aganist his skin. "i like your hair down doll"

i could tell dally wanted me to sit there and lavish me with kisses. but i knew i couldn't get so attached to him again, not again

i hated the way he kissed me, it made me clinch onto him even more. i hated how much i loved it

he had taken his shirt off between our kisses, and his hands were cold on my bare skin. close to the straps of mine

"dally you should really head out" i blurted, seeing him pout. "please babe not in a bad way it's just i need to do things today that's all"

"like?" dally raised an eyebrow. "are you fucking mad or something?"

"no!" i exclaimed. "i just need some time alone-"

"-i swear if its about the whole sleeping thing?"

"no!" i refused what he was saying. "i just don't feel ready for you to see me bare thats all...."

dally taunted. "baby we fucking together, are you a virgin?"

i bit my bottom lip, staring at dally. i knew it was dumb i really thought our relationship was going to be real. dallas winston only cared about two things, himself and his broads. dally didn't love me, all he did was bicker

"dallas out" i spoke out, my eyes became watery just like that night. "i can't believe you had just said that..."

dally wanted to punch himself as he realized what came out of his mouth. "baby that's not what i meant"

i huffed, my breath grew unsteady as tears arrosed. i stay slient, "dally out!" i threw his jacket at him, still aching in pain by his words

"ice cream won't make it better" kathy gave me the pint of ice cream she had grabbed on here way here from the dx

i stabbed my spoon into the frozen pint. "fuck! why is it so frozen!"

"angelica i can tell you needs to properly talk about what happened" kathy plotted herself beside me on the couch. "i know you're upset if you sweat. including you haven't change and i know you hate not being dress well"

kathy stared down at my blue pyjamas I was still in. i groaned, slouching in my spot. i pressed my knees together, my body felt cold thinking about what he had said to me. dally's words kept pondered to me

"dally said...." i hesitated to continued my sentence

"said what?" she crooked a brow, moving her spoon into the ice cream i held

"he said are you a virgin or something just because he assumed i wasn't in the mood to kiss in the morning" i cried, shoving a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth. "i refused one night when we weren't together to sleep, and last night we did. I was completely fine since we didn't do anything, but this morning it seemed like he wanted to see me bare naked"

"that dickhead!" kathy rolled her eyes. "angelica, he fucking said you are a virgin, which i dunno if it's true but that's so rude!"

"it is true though..." i sighed, i couldn't deny the fact i didn't have any desire to have sex with anyone. "but it isn't right for my boyfriend to say something like that"

"i agree now come" kathy took the pint of ice cream out it of my hands, placing it on the coffee table. her lips purse and stared down at me. "angelica you can't just sit here all day, come on, go to dally"

"i don't want to see him" i sighed. "kathy going forward i will use dally for my scandal and that's final"

"sure..." kathy thought, kathy knew how in love angelica was with dally and she wasn't going to through it down that quickly. but of course, she'll learn the hard way she still loves him

the door soon knocked and kathy got up. i still sat criss-crossed on the couch, resting my hands onto my lap. i wish dally and i didn't argue and e was still here with me, but the other half of felt like dally and i didn't deserve to be together because of the way he treated me

sodapop alongside steve came inside with kathy behind them, kathy's exchanged looks with them, they all looked surprised and worried

"something wrong?" i looked up at the three before soda handed me a newspaper

"just read angel" soda spoke in a soft tone, hoping i wouldn't react bad

ɴʏᴄ ᴛɪᴍᴇs                                                       1968

ᴀɴɢᴇʟɪᴄᴀ ʜᴀs ʙᴏʏғʀɪᴇɴᴅ?

that's right ladies and gentlemen. the famous
angelica has been caught during her time off
living her teenage years dating a some boy
from tusla? many people believe it's a rumour
but some think it's true. will angelica speak up
and say she's with another man? or will she stay quiet once more?

i looked up at the three, my eyes swollen front the crying earlier faded. "listen guys people already assume things"

"so are you going to give them proof or not?" steve crooked a brow

i pressed my lips together, thinking about it. if i just release proof, things will be over

"guys i feel bad putting dallas in this" i sighed, even though he made me feel so upset, i hated the thought of making him feel bad

kathy scoffed. "angelica it's either you get dragged back to new york , or you lie"

"i guess i'm lying"

© mutuxl_strxwberry

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