𝐬 𝐞 𝐯 𝐞 𝐧 𝐭 𝐞 𝐞 𝐧

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it had been a week since i found out about dallas in jail. i said quiet and didn't have the guts to see him again

but here i stood in front of the station, my throat ached

dally got holler in because of me. dally drunk drive when he knew he was going to get pulled over, but he only did it to chase after me that night

i still couldn't believe he was over sylvia. the thought of sylvia and him made me want to cry again

i walked inside the building, a few people who waited looked up at me. i noticed a cop near the door where they took out the inmates out from their time

i sat in the chair, beside an old women. i hoped nobody asked me why i was here

i closed my eyes, thinking about how when dally came out if he would even care i was here, or if he didn't care at all

the clock ticked and i lost track of time. someone had rubbed my shoulder, trying to wake me up, there was a cop

"madam it is nine pm" he told me in a firm tone. "visitors end at eight"

i yawned, i didn't known i had fallen asleep. "has someone under the name winston been release?"

the cop shrugged, he walked off before i could get up

as i left the building, i found myself dumbfounded waiting for dally

"oh no" i gasped, there was a heavy rain outside. even though it was july

i stepped foot out of the police station, not wanting the cops to ask me anymore questions

i had walked here because i couldn't drive and didn't have any change for a bus ride

i sat on the bench near the station, just hoping dally would come out

m e a n w h i l e

dally sat on the chair, beside others who were in jail. the average delinquent that would get himself thrown into the cooler

his hands were in cuffs, nothing new to dallas. he wondered if he'll get out today or not, but dally knew he was promise to be out on friday

dally was sinking himself to grief by flooded his mind with the thought of breaking angelica's heart. dally knew he was drunk and foolish that night, sylvia had came to his room, begging for him

since dallas was under the influence of alcohol he gave in, he kissed her and unzipped her dress. but dally didn't have any enjoyment doing it as he thought about it more. dally was drunk not in the right mind

dally almost said angelica's name between kisses, but right then she had walked in. dally wanted angelica to be sylvia spot that night, so he chased after her

dally chewed the side of cheek, looking up at the cop who eyed him

"winston" he scoffed, the cop had gotten use to saying the name winston. "you're out"

he grabbed onto dally's shoulder, dragging him out of the room

dally looked around the room, he hoped to see angelica right there

"some girl came asking for you" the cop unlocked his cuffs, taking them. "you're free"

the man handed dally his keys, dallas remember being pinned to the police car and them sliding his keys to their hands

i looked up, there stood dally in the frame of the door. his arms weren't crossed, but down, he had a sorrow expression

his gazed look right into my eyes, his lips parted. i got up from the bench, wanting to hug him right then and there

dally was just in his blue jean jacket and jeans, his muscles flexed and the necklace her wore was still on his chest

as i looked away from him, avoiding eye contact. dallas ran up to me, his arms wrapped around my waist, he pulled me closer. he rested his jeans on my shoulder

my hands slowly moved up his back, wrapping them around him

"angelica..." he mumbled. "i love you"

as those three words escaped from his mouth, it left me in shock and pride. dallas saying i love you wasn't easy. many girls in town told me he didn't say i love you once to sylvia, or to the others he dated

"dally..." i huffed, holding him tighter

dally brought me closer and tighter to his chest. my head rested on his bare chest

"dally that night..." i moved my hands away from his back, breaking our hug. my arms moved to his chest, resting on it. i looked up at him, his eyes were big and hard. "...i came to say how much i loved you"

i knew i wasn't lying. i wasn't at all. the whole idea of having dallas just for me to escape hollywood wasn't here right now when i said those words. all i needed was dallas winston and him only

"angelica i fucked up" dallas cursed. "i fucked up that night. i was drunk and needed you"

dally pulled me in again, hugging me around his body. i felt the warmth of him so close to me. he ran his hands through my dark locks of hair, he stared at my brown eyes. he admired the beauty of me

"angelica, i fucking love you"

© mutuxl_strxwberry

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