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dally sat in the edge of his bed, contemplating on what he had just done. dally wouldn't give two shits if he had said it to any girl, even if begun crying. but dally seemed to care about angelica

dally played with his necklace, sighing. he had the door shut since it was night and of course, some rowdy party was taking place

dallas heard a knock on his door, he looked at the door then back at his necklace. dally groaned, he hoped angelica would be right there

he hoped as his fingertips touch the doorknob to twist it open dally would see angelica in tha green dress he made her wear that one night, her brown eyes would glee seeing him

but to his surprise it wasn't her, but someone he hated

"dally!" sylvia swinger her arms around dally, "i missed you. i saw little angelica—"

"fuck off" dally groaned, pushing her off himself. "sylvia i am fucking over you"

"oh sure" she crossed her arms, "it didn't seem like it that one night"

"oh you know i was drunk!" dallas cried, thinking about how he sped hoping he could just see angelica. "angelica is my fucking girlfriend"

sylvia rolled her eyes, annoyed of hearing her name. "well earlier at the diner i saw her with kathy, she was complaining about how you hurt her feelings"

dally's throat ache, thinking about how hurt angelica. it had been only a few hours since he had left her, but dally wanted to fix things but was hopeless to see her

soon enough buck came tot eh door, pushing sylvia aside. "winston i need you to run the bar for a bit"

"i'll see you there" sylvia winked, her heavy eye makeup revealed to dally's eyes. he didn't like how much makeup sylvia wore, he preferred angelica's soft hollywood looks

as us four went inside bucks, i felt like the whole room was staring at me. steve suggested coming here after kathy and i grabbed brunch at the diner

i said no because i knew dally was going to be here, but they wanted me to talk to him

kathy saw her boyfriend two-but, talking to another blonde. she groaned. "two-bit better not be getting laid by some other gal!"

she looked pissed, her heels click to the hardwood as she stomped over to two-bir

steve right then saw evie with couple of her girls, steve knew she was going to be mad he saw him late rnot with her. steve walked away without saying anything

sodapop and i were just standing there, soda shrugged. "guess i'll leave you too"

"soda no!" i whined, "please no"

"angel come on" sodapop placed a hand onto my shoulder. "just go sit there all pretty and dallas will come you know him"

"yeah sure while you go play pool?" i sarcastically raised an eyebrow

soda nodded. "thanks angelica have fun"

sodapop went off before i could call back for him. soda went to the pool table wherea group of boys were playing, some girls watching. my eyes noticed a familiar pair of heels one of the girls wore, angela placed her hands onto soda's chest, giggling at him

i couldn't just sat and here and watch sodapop flirt with her, i made my way to the bar. sitting on the stool, i presssed my black dress down as the fabric rises up my thigh

it was kathy's black dress, it had a lace trim on the top and the bottom. the silk fabric tighten against my skin, for being a straight dress. the neckline was deep, close to my breast. i wasn't ever into dressing this revealing, but of course kathy thought it made me look 'hot'

"you look beautiful" a settle and thick new york accent caught me off guard, breaking me out of my gaze

the voice seemed so familiar, i look up at the bar and there with my own eyes, dally was in front of me. he hands reste dontot he counter, a rag in his hands. the necklace he wore dangled from his neck, his face was close to mine

i didn't responded to his comment, i let it sink in to me

"angelica..." dally noticed the slient treatment i gave. "i didn't mean to calm you a virgin. i'm sorry baby please know that"

"but calling me a virgin really hurt me" i told dallas. "even though you're right, it just hurts me"

dallas hand rubbed mine, his touch gave me comfort and warmth. i felt golden. my hands reassess from the tense fist, allowing his thumb to rest between my two fingers, holding my hand tight. "doll, i really like you i do. i hate hurting you"

"don't think you're just fucking america's greatest model dally" i pleaded. "please don't. i am more than a model"

"and i know that. that's why i love you..." dally eyes gleamed, begging for desperation. "angelica i want you. not in the sexual way but the way i can hold your hand, the way you rest your head onto my chest, the way i would do all the romantic gestures you like, and the way i would bring around town"

dally slipped his hand away from mine, he threw the rag onto the ground behind the bar. dally climbed onto the bar, jumping off the counter. he stood right beside me as i sat

"please just forgive me" dally hand was out for me to hold, to accept his apology

"i am only accepting for the scandal" i lied to myself, i knew i was lying in that moment and my heart ache for dallas. but i continue to lie to myself

i took his hand, placing it on my chest for him to hear my heart beat get fast in pace because of what he told me of the ways he wanted me. dally smiled, he knew this was the start of our relationship and i knew this was the end of it

© mutuxl_strxwberry

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