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bitting my nails, looking up at kathy with an unpleasant expression

us sitting criss crossed on my bed, she came over the morning after dally and i had slept with each other

the earlier today, i didn't say a word to dally before leaving his place after sleeping the night there, i felt disappointed in myself, because i knew my parents would've had not been proud

"kathy dallas and i had sex last night..." i looked into her eyes, pleading

her eyes went huge, "what! angelica you..."

"yes" i sighed

"why do you seem so upset?" kathy raised an eyebrow, questioning my tone. "was it really that bad?"

"no not at all!" i exclaimed, denying. "i feel anxious about it because..."

last night it really had hit me, my parents would've been so disappointed knowing i was doing these things to young. they wouldn't be proud, even though they were gone

"m-my parents would've been so disappointed in me having sex this young" i looked down, regretting my choices. "what if dallas and i aren't soulmates, what if...we are just a scandal?"

kathy shook her head, disagreeing with my statement. "angelica no! you two love each other very much don't regret it"

"i love him but..." my eyes pleaded with worry and panic. "...my parents wouldn't have been proud of this, nothing i have done would've made them proud"

I could feel tears building up in my eyes, kathy was giving me a sympathetic look

i only explained my parents briefly to kathy and that one day to dallas. never again because i avoided the topic of them, i knew i was going to break if i had a conversation revolving them

"angelica you're so sweet and independent" kathy rubbed my shoulder, "you stayed strong throughout everything, even your relationship with dallas. don't think they wouldn't be proud"

i hugged kathy in that moment, her words really touched onto me and made me feel better upon the emotions I felt

"angelica two-bit is taking out but i'll see you tomorrow then" kathy looked over at her clock, noticing it was her time to go

"thank you really" i smiled, "dally and i are supposed to go on one more light night drive before the summer is over"

our heads pressed against each other, we admired the sunset

dally rubbed my shoulder, her lips came in contact with my neck, kissing it down

he then pulled them away, smiling. "fuck i think i'm in love with you..."

"dallas god i do love you" i smiled, looking up at him

"angelica last night" he sighed, "it was amazing...but in the morning you didn't even say bye?"

i froze, not having the words to speak. "dally i was worried at first if we rushed our relationship and i begun thinking about my parents..."

my voiced cracked on the word parents,i didn't realize i was crying until dally cupped my jaw, rubbing the tears off my cheek

"doll you are perfect" he gave me a consulting look. "and if you ever feel rush we can keep things slow, i don't want us to be just for kicks, i want more"

the warmth of his lips pressed onto mine. the sunset was beaming through the windshield. us tasting each others lips

if you asked dallas winston where he saw himself this summer, it would be in gang fights, messing around with other girls, thrown into the cooler

but here he was, valuing and loving a girl he loved, someone he cherish and didn't want to be separated even if the world wanted it

brooklyn was somewhere us both made mistakes. him getting in fights, trying to figure out life and i on magazine covers, trying to find my place in fame

but here, every was golden, our youth, our love. dallas and i now forever could stay gold

A / N

just like that brooklyn scandal is over! i hope you guys enjoyed this dallas winston ff, it was a plot i never had done so it was really fun to write! please stay tuned and follow to make sure you get the motivation for my next book! still debating if i should write a sodapop one or a matt dillon old hollywood one. please let me know! once again thank you so much for the support and love, stay gold!

© mutuxl_strxwberry

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