Chapter 139: Arrogant Prick-

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Rebecca's POV (1st Person):

Lane held me for a while, his warmth seeping into me as I rested my head against his chest. I could hear the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, and for a moment, everything felt right. Like all the confusion and embarrassment from earlier didn't matter. Like it was just us in this little bubble, and nothing else could get to us.

I tilted my head back slightly to look up at him, catching him staring at the window, lost in thought. His jaw was tight, and there was this look in his eyes, like he was thinking too hard about something—maybe everything.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked softly, nudging him a little.

Lane blinked, snapping out of whatever trance he'd been in. He looked down at me, his lips curling into a soft smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "I was just thinking about us. About how much everything's changed."

I nodded, understanding. Everything had changed. Graduation, the way we'd crossed that invisible line between teacher and student, the future—it was all different now. The world was different now. And we were part of that change.

"We'll figure it out," I said, trying to sound confident. "We always do."

Lane's arms tightened around me, and for a second, he rested his chin on the top of my head. "I know. It's just... I've never felt this way before."

I bit my lip, staring up at him. "What do you mean?"

He hesitated, his eyes searching mine like he was trying to find the right words. "It's like... I'm afraid of how much I want you. How much I need you. But at the same time, I'm terrified of hurting you."

The vulnerability in his voice made my chest tighten. I reached up, cupping his face gently. "Lane, you're not going to hurt me."

His gaze softened, but there was still that flicker of uncertainty behind his eyes. "I hope you're right."

"I am," I insisted, pulling him down for a soft kiss. "We're in this together, okay? Whatever happens, we'll handle it."

He kissed me back, his lips gentle but firm, like he was trying to communicate something he couldn't quite say out loud. When we finally pulled apart, he smiled, and this time, it reached his eyes. "You always know how to make me feel better."

I grinned, feeling a little lighter. "That's what I'm here for."

Lane chuckled, but there was still something lingering in the air, something unspoken. He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear, his thumb lingering on my cheek. "I just want to make you happy, Rebecca."

"You do," I said quietly. "You really do."

We stayed like that for a few more moments, just staring at each other, like we were the only two people in the world. Then Lane cleared his throat, glancing back at the window.

"I was thinking... maybe we could go for a drive today. Just the two of us. Get away for a bit."

A smile spread across my face. "Like a date?"

He smirked. "Yeah, like a date. You in?"

I pretended to think about it for a second before nodding. "Absolutely."

He grinned, kissing me again. "Alright. Let's go."

As we got ready to leave, I couldn't help but feel excited. It wasn't just about the date—it was about the fact that we were moving forward. That we were stepping into something new together, no matter how complicated it was.

And for the first time in a long time, I felt like everything was going to be okay.


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