Chapter 2| Two-Tied Double Down| Deadly Life

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Shuichi: I...

Announcement from Monokuma: A body has been discovered! Everyone! Head to Hu Tao's dorm room! Looks like someone just had an unfortunate occurrence!

Shuichi: Lucina-

Lucina: WHAT?!

Shuichi: Go upstairs. You need to discover Tails' body as well...


Shuichi: Yes... GO!

Lucina ran out as more people stumbled their way into Hu Tao's room. I was just staring down at her body. She was next to the bed and her entire skin was just purple. I don't know what happened...

Alfred: W-What...

Alfred: HU TAO!?

Claude: She had it coming, I mean she was a prick.

Shuichi: Claude! Don't be so rude she just died!

Announcement from Monokuma: A body has been discovered! Everyone! Head to the Pool! What's this? Another death!? How exciting!

Claude: What...

Shuichi: HURRY!

All of us ran our way to the pool and there everyone now saw Tails' dead body on the ground. All of us were in complete shock over the events that had just occurred. TWO PEOPLE WERE DEAD. TWO

Shuichi: My god...

Alcryst: How did two... people even die!?

Furina: Oh forget it we're going to die from these bracelets soon!


To my shock our bracelets immediately came off and all fell to the ground. All of us were free and the area where the bracelet was... it was just extremely purple. A gross color...

Monokuma: What's that? Is that a double death I hear!? Isn't that just perfect? Now you have to find the killer of whoever did these TWO kills!

Shuichi: Right... but we won't be able to do it in this state.

Monokuma: Oh yeahhh you're probably going to want to feel better. Here you go, each of you now get the medicine!

All of us put the medicine on the arm where our bracelets were held and it was just like magic. I was feeling so much better and I no longer had a disgusting skin color. It was good to be normal again.

Monokuma: I'm gonna let you all in on something.

Claude: What...

Monokuma: The Monokuma File #2! Actually that's not what I meant but specifically it will solve one murder for you. You'll all understand in a bit.

Shuichi: Okay...?

Monokuma: Remember everyone, you will all participate in a class trial in the near future so don't be slacking. Alright everyone, see you later!!

Monokuma left as all of us were just standing there with Tails' body right in front of us.

Celica: Two deaths... yet one will be solved right when we open the file?

Shuichi: That makes it less hard to find clues but at the same time... how should I know?

Marth: Shuichi, go ahead and see the file. It's going to be important after all.

Shuichi: Yeah, I should do that.

Eirika: Before that! We need to split into two groups. One of us investigates Hu Tao, and the other Tails.

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