Chapter 3| Daily Life| Downtown To a Starlight

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???: Death after death, it's all the same! How come we're unable to do anything about the situation? I've been putting my mind to it but it just... won't... work.


???: Maybe I should go to bed, it is late after all. I know there's a lot that still needs to be done. Maybe somehow-

??? (2): What are you doing here so late?!

???: A-Ah! Monokuma! What brings you around-

Monokuma: I'm asking you! You're up for no reason whatsoever! You're not even the type of person to stay up...

???: I apologize... I should definitely be going to sleep.

Monokuma: You better! I don't want you doing nonsense here! Now shoo.

???: Jeez, I had no real intention to do anything wrong... just want to help Shuichi in the effort of finding the mastermind-

Monokuma: NO BUTS! Go straight to your dorm and GO. TO. SLEEP! I'm tired of your rambling now shoo, IMMEDIATELY.

???: Okay, okay!

The person leaves and heads into their dorm.

Monokuma: Sometimes... people like him really do get on MY nerves...

Monokuma: Puhuhuhu! Nobody will ever find out who the mastermind is! No matter what!


Announcement from Monokuma: Rise and shine everyone! Do you know what time it is? It is 7:00 am and nighttime is officially over! Get up to create a great day everyone!

I woke up with somewhat of a headache. I never had such a thing before, I know yesterday was rough... but even then why was I experiencing such pain?

Shuichi: God, I don't want to get up...

But I had no choice, it was just a minor annoyance and wasn't anything actually too serious. I got up and made my way to the dining hall, surprisingly I was the first one there. It had been a while since I had arrived early. I started sleeping a little more to block away the events that occurred.

Frye: Hey Shuichi, how are you?

Shuichi: Just have an annoying headache as of right now. Nothing that serious but it is sort of annoying. It should be sorted out shortly.

Frye: Aww that's unfortunate but I understand why.

Shiver: Oh Frye, there you are. Surprised to see you so early.

The two walked off to talk with one another as I just sat on my own quietly eating breakfast. I just didn't know what to do. But Alcryst and Claude came by and sat down next to me.

Alcryst: Y-You seem to be sad.

Shuichi: I guess I am, after all I had to kill off some of my close friends because of... whatever the hell was going on. It was depressing but what choice did I have?

Claude: Yeah... Agent 3 himself appeared to be guilty for the events as well. Unfortunately, he had to go out like that.

Shuichi: Definitely, he could've just not done it but atlas... he did. Makes me... just feel overall like crap.

Alcryst: That's understandable, I feel like anyone would feel the same given your circumstances.

Shuichi: I suppose... Did Monokuma give anything new?

Alcryst: Not yet, but you were one of the first ones. Shouldn't you have been the one to tell us?

Shuichi: Good point, sigh I just wish there was something else to do than just wait around for our inevitable demise.

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