Chapter 6| Daily Life| Time and Illumination

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Getting into my room, I just... felt conflicted with myself. What did Celica mean...?

Celica: Shuichi...

Shuichi: What is it...

Celica: I know you know the damn truth.

Shuichi: About you being the culprit of this case?


Claude: Forget it! We're going to vote for her now!

Celica: NO!!!

Shuichi: I don't even know what you're talking about!? If you're talking about my memories then... I'm sorry to break it to you but I don't remember anything!

Celica: ...

Celica: So I'm wrong. You know NOTHING.

Shuichi: I...

Was she trying to mess with my head or something else? She can't even be the mastermind since Alfred was the traitor and admitted to the fact the mastermind was a man. So... what did she mean?

Shuichi: Why am I thinking over this right now? It's late at night and I should be trying to get some rest.

But there was something... weird about that entire trial. In fact there have been some weird things about the first and fifth trial. Such as the whole incident of choosing Claude but that ended up being wrong as we selected Acadia for the first and Celica for the fifth. So... why are there similarities? Is it because of the fact they strived for peace? Possibly...

Shuichi: Maybe I should stop worrying about things like this. There has to be an answer out there somehow to show details of what the mastermind is onto.

At least, that's what I want to believe. There's almost nothing about the mastermind and I should just read some more of the notes. After all, I had them with me.

I got over to my desk and opened the red book. I flipped to a page that was dated 09/12/???? A day after the one I first found. It said, "I was thinking over the whole idea of hosting the killing game. Maybe I should do that. It sounds interesting and maybe people will get to feel what I felt."

Shuichi: How... peculiar.

I continued looking around and flipped to one that said "24/02/????"

Shuichi: "Okay, I'm getting this whole thing setup. This seems exciting, especially since..."

Shuichi: "This is the second game I seem to be planning to host! I know it sounds exciting despite the fact I took part in the other one but hey... it might seem like fun."

What the... hell? I'm so confused. Who exactly could this be and have they survived a previous killing game before? Maybe they took part in the first or the second or the third. But... I kept searching through more of the book. And then I came across another note. And... that was... in a different handwriting? Less neat but still neater than mine.

Shuichi: "I'm going to host the third killing game. The original one decided to back out and think about hosting the second one. I wonder how much this will take for me. Especially since I've never hosted one."

So it seems like this new mastermind is the one hosting our game. Since one of the notes I was reading hosted the second one... and apparently that was the class of B148. So... the mastermind of this game is whoever's handwriting is this one. So who could it be?

No time to worry about that. I need to get some rest. And therefore after I can make sure to find the truth behind this whole bizarre situation and end this stupid killing game.

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