Trial 3| Downtown To a Starlight

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Truth Bullets:

Monokuma File #3- The victims are Frye and Susie. The time of death is estimated to be 6 am. Both of the victims were stabbed in the chest. Frye was found holding a tranquilizer in her hand while Susie was empty handed.

Celica's Autopsy Results- According to the details of the autopsy, both Frye and Susie were attacked with an ordinary kitchen knife. Their deaths were also due to the lack of care and bleeding out to death.

Clear Blood On Stairs- On the stairs there was a trail of blood on it. It appeared to be clear and fresh. Meaning that it had not been cleaned up.

Tranquilizer In Frye's Hand- There is a tranquilizer in Frye's hand. It is unclear if it was given to Frye by the killer or if it had been there in her hands the whole time. There is a potential chance that Frye could've been a killer or innocent the whole time.

Marth's Account- Marth had woken up around 6:40 am, 20 minutes before the morning announcement. He and his partner were just walking around when Marth heard the sound of someone running down the stairs. When he tried to get a closer look, there was nobody there.

Shuichi's Injury- Shuichi was actually stabbed in the chest just like Frye and Susie. The only difference that occurred was that he was the only one to survive.

Potential Third Victim- Shuichi was attacked himself, but he survived. That meant that there could've been a chance he could've been the third victim.

Susie's Missing Item- Alear claims that Susie had something in her hand but that was taken from her. It was first spotted when they found Shuichi injured, but then later disappeared after they took care of Shuichi. There is a high chance it was something sharp like a knife.

Knocked Over Bookshelf- There is a knocked over bookshelf behind both of the victims. It is suspected that the killer and the two victims ended up in a fight that caused the bookshelf to topple over.

Bloody Footprints- There are footprints on the ground where Claude was investigating. He suspects that it belongs to one of the victims or the killer.

Claude's Account- Claude and Meta Knight had woken up a little bit earlier than usual. They were looking around and also heard some commotion. It was unclear where or what it was about since it was muffled.

Meta Knight's Account- Alongside Claude, Meta Knight had also heard the commotion that was going. Only he heard thumping rather than just muffled sounds. He assumes that it was either the bodies being dragged or things being thrown around.

Random Handcuffs On The Ground- While Alcryst, Alfred and Celica were searching the dining hall. There were handcuffs on the ground. Since everyone was removed after the investigation began and were taken by Monokuma. It was strange to see some on the ground. The handcuffs have no names attached to them.

Bloody Knife in Sink- There was a bloody knife found in the sink. It was not washed and was just there waiting to be cleaned.

Broken Door- While the three were heading back to the investigation. Alcryst discovered that Shuichi's door was broken. Someone had to have a lot of strength to break it down just to kill the three.

Blood in Room- Alcryst had also gone into Shuichi's room and from there he spotted that there were a ton of different blood marks all over the place. Showing that they were first attacked in their room first.

Shuichi's Survival- There is something strange about what happened with Shuichi as he was in fact attacked but for some reason he survived the attacks. Unfortunately, he has no recollection of the events. 

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