Chapter 1| Daily Life| Wishing Hallow Nights

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We all stood there staring at each other in silence, all we could think of was how disturbing it was for the idea of someone to possibly kill another person. But I think the best idea for me was to look at the information provided in our E-Handbooks.

Rule #1: Students may reside only within the school. Leaving campus is an unacceptable use of time.

Rule #2: "Nighttime" is from 10 pm to 7 am. Some areas are off-limits at night, so please exercise caution.

Rule #3: Sleeping anywhere other than the dormitory will be seen as sleeping in class and punished accordingly.

Rule #4: With minimal restrictions, you are free to explore the school at your discretion.

Rule #5: Violence against headmaster Monokuma is strictly prohibited, as is the destruction of surveillance cameras.

Rule #6: Anyone who kills a fellow student and becomes "blackened" will graduate, unless they are discovered.

Rule #7: Additional school regulations may be added if necessary.

Meta Knight: What a bizarre set of rules.

Eirika: But they seem easy to follow, besides I don't believe someone would really go out of their way to kill someone... right?

Bandana Dee: Oh I would hate if that were to happen! What if something does happen to someone?! That's so scary to imagine!

Alear: Hey everyone, we shouldn't panic that much. Monokuma has said we can live happily together without any problems. That shouldn't be too hard to follow, right?

Claude: She makes a point, we should be able to live the "happy and communal life" Monokuma mentioned we will have if nobody kills anyone. If anything, we're safe for now.

Alcryst: Y-You're right! But... I'm just more confused on rule six... I felt like Monokuma explained it but not thoroughly enough.

Alear: Maybe we can ask him the next time he appears.

Alfred: "Anyone who kills a fellow student will become 'blackened'," I wonder what that means...

Lumine: Remember what Monokuma said earlier?

Monokuma: Easy! Simply by graduating! If you were to disturb the happy communal life you guys are having. Then you have the right to leave the school! Piece of cake if I say so myself!

Lumine: Graduating is mentioned within rule six... and he mentioned graduating is when you murder someone. Using the context of this information, perhaps blackened means you will... be vulnerable to being found out?

Marth: That seems to be the most logical reasoning but I'm still slightly confused.

Alear: Yeah, maybe we should ask Monokuma whenever he appears again.

Shiver: Hmph, this school life is going to be... a little worrisome. I mean, are we certain we're all going to make it out of here alive? Are we really going to live our happy communal life?

Furina: Oh come on! Don't be acting that way! We need to believe in ourselves so we can live a good life here, nobody will be killing anyone!

Agent 3: If you say so...

Tails: Erm... can we call Monokuma for clarification?

Monokuma: Here I am! I was listening in to your conversation and you kept mentioning how you wanted to better understand the "blackened" term! Right?

Susie: Yeah! We were curious just exactly what it meant.

Monokuma: Alright, so when a student kills another student they will be considered blackened. Blackened is a term I use to let someone know that there is a killer on the loose! So, the graduation requirement is very simple! Get away with the murder!

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