Chapter 5| To Starfall Toil| Deadly Life

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I knew it. I knew Alfred was going to be dead but I didn't know a whole lot of the details. But it happened so fast. Oh my god.

Lumine: Shuichi, did you-


Lumine invited everyone in and they all ran out of their respective locker rooms. Right when they all got to where I was. They all saw the body.

Alear: ALFRED?!

Marth: That was so fast...

Alear: NOOO!!!

Monokuma: What's going up everyone! I know you're all bored and all over the place! Now if you would do me a favor and head to the pool! A body has been discovered!

Marth: So he is dead...

Alear: I... I don't know what to feel. WHICH ONE OF YOU IS SO MONSTROUS TO DO THIS!?

Marth: Alear...

Alear: You know what, I'm going to go take a breather then.

Alear left the pool very quickly. The rest of us were just there... staring at each other over what had just happened. It was unbelievable how quick it was. We don't even know who's responsible for the crime. All we know is that... Alfred was dead.


Shuichi: Monokuma...

Monokuma: Since you're all aware that Alfred is the traitor. I'M SO FUCKING GLAD HE'S FINALLY DEAD!

Marth: Because you realized you don't have any more motives to give out?

Monokuma: No, that's actually not the reasoning! But I'm not gonna tell you anytime soon!

Marth: I see...

Monokuma: I wonder who's the one responsible for killing Alfred! There's just so much that needs to be uncovered isn't there?

Claude: Alfred is dead... but...

Lumine: Let's just... stay calm everyone. We don't want to get too worried so we just need... to stay calm.

Celica: R-Right... calm... just be calm.

Marth: How are we going to investigate the situation without anything weird going on?

Shuichi: We have no choice but to get Alfred's body out of the pool in order to gather the clues.

Monokuma: Puhuhuhu, this is so exciting! Now here is your beloved Monokuma file!

Meta Knight: Goodness.

Monokuma: Good luck everyone! You'll definitely need it.

Shuichi: Oh my god...

Marth: This is it... the time where everything becomes more serious than ever before. I know all the previous ones are but this is the traitor we're talking about. We need to gather as much evidence as possible.

Shuichi: You're right. Here we go.

I'm nervous... extremely nervous about what is going on. Alfred is dead and there is no efficient way of knowing what exactly was going to happen. What I was going to do and... where to go next after reading the Monokuma File.

Claude: Your job Shuichi. Read the stupid thing.

Shuichi: I will... I will...

To uncover the mystery behind Alfred. I need to trust myself and get all the clues I can get.


Shuichi: Here we go. Monokuma File #5. "The estimated time of death is around 1:30 AM. The victim is Alfred. The body was located in the pool water. He drowned in the water but it appears he was stabbed with a weapon beforehand."

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