Chapter 5| Daily Life| To Starfall Toil

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I was walking through the hallways, I searched around the entire place. There was nothing but the eerie silence of the place. But I couldn't help but think about what Lucina had said... clues that could lead the mastermind but that... a traitor exists?

Lucina: I have to say something that I discovered about the mastermind... more specifically someone else that revolves around the mastermind.

Lumine: W-What?! What are you talking about?

Lucina: I want to talk about how there is... potentially someone working for them.

Shuichi: Really..?

Lucina: Yes. I found something in the library. Maybe you guys will be able to find it. It has a red book cover on it.

I wonder what she meant by saying that. I made my way to the library. I couldn't even tell what time it was, it was late for all I know. But I needed to gather the clues before anyone else did. I began to look around to see if there was a red book. She didn't specify the title or anything. All she mentioned was that it was red. Red was an uncommon color to see in books. So maybe I should just dig through each red book? I grabbed one I saw and just stared at it.

Shuichi: This mentions... letters of the... mastermind?

Shuichi: Holy shit.

I opened the book immediately and started digging through the contents of the book. It was a bright color book, I need to keep that in mind. I saw the first letter and it was dated, "08/12/????" I wonder what that means. I started to read it over.

Shuichi: "It has been a couple of weeks since the killing game concluded. I still haven't gotten over all the people that were forced to die. But you know what? I was granted a chance to host the next one. I shouldn't do that, not after what I've gone through."

What the hell? What does... that even mean?

I looked through more of the book. There were very few mentions of what they were doing and that was the only letter there that mentioned their time before choosing to be the mastermind of this killing game. Their handwriting was neat, mine was... not so much. I envied that handwriting, but that wasn't important. I kept searching through more of the book.

Then... I found something important.

Shuichi: Class of A103. What are they doing here? Better just read it. "Class of A103, was the second class to participate in the new round of the killing game. As for the first game I am not too sure, then came class B148 was the third one to participate in the games. Then afterward came this class, C401. Afterward, whatever the hell happens will be D511. I wonder if I could host that one as well..."

It seems like... I found out what the fourth's class list is. But I cannot figure out any of their names. But that's interesting, what class came before A103? And... how come all these classes are forced to partake in the killing game...? How do we even put an end to that?

Shuichi: I should keep the book with me. That way, I can gather all the clues I can get.

That doesn't sound like a horrible idea. But it is the only idea I have in store. I just need to be careful and make sure nobody finds out. I continued looking through the pages of the book. There were a lot of letters which I couldn't read all in one sitting. I would be here forever if I did. And half of them were kinda just diary entries. Still...


Shuichi: What is this?

There was a sheet of paper on the ground, it must've fallen out of the book. I looked at it and stared at it for a moment... it...

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