Chapter 3| Downtown To A Starlight| Deadly Life

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Nonono, both of my partners are dead which means people are going to suspect me! I just... don't know what to do!? I didn't do this! No! I couldn't have... why was I here to begin with..?

But then I looked down at myself. My shirt was covered with blood. My chest was hurting a lot... was I also attacked without realizing it? I don't know what to do, nobody is going to find me here and if they see me alone... how can I tell them!? But... soon I started losing blood again.

It was slow but it was now leaving me beyond terrified of what was going to happen to me. But I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I don't know what to do. I froze there in silence when someone opened the door.

???: Shuichi, Frye, Susie? Are you-

It was Alear and Celica... they stood there staring at me as I stared back at them. Blood was on my shirt... I was so fucking done... but how did they know I was bleeding?

Celica: S-Shuichi... you-


Alear: C-Calm down! What-

They spotted Frye and Susie's bodies on the ground and both screamed. Completely in shock over what happened.

Announcement from Monokuma: Guess what? Bodies have been discovered! Everyone! Head to the Library! Another double death situation I wonder!

Shuichi: No... nononono.

Alear: Shuichi-

And then... I fainted once more. Most likely due to the blood loss.




???: Shuichi...?

Shuichi: Huh?

Celica: You're awake again! I'm so sorry about what had happened but everyone is just now learning about what happened with Frye and Susie. They've begun investigating and there's not a lot of time left.

Shuichi: T-They have!? No! I still need to gather clues! As fast as possible!

Celica: I'll assist you and give you a run down over what happened. You just need to stay in bed just a little bit longer.

Shuichi: C-Celica please I should be able to do fine

Celica: But you were bleeding!

Shuichi: The bleeding has stopped! I have to get as many clues as possible. Please!

Celica: Okay but we're doing it together.

Shuichi: Fine...

I got up from the bed and felt limp but no time for that. Investigating called for my name and I needed all the clues I could GET.


Celica: Here's Monokuma File #3.

Shuichi: Thank you.

Celica: The estimated time of death is around 6 am. The victims are Frye and Susie. Both of them were stabbed in the chest. Frye is holding a tranquilizer while Susie is empty handed.

Shuichi: Both... were stabbed?

Celica: Correct, I'm not sure as to how they were but this is what did happen. That's what the Monokuma file says.

Shuichi: I trust you... thank you.

TRUTH BULLET ADDED: "Monokuma File #3"

Celica: Since you and I are here together I want to immediately hand you my autopsy results.

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