Trial 8| Despair and Hope Fighting Sunlight| Part 1

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Truth Bullets:

School Map Layout- In the headmaster's office there was a map that found a drawer that had the entire school layout on it. There were labels of each of the rooms and any details about the school.

Burned Headmaster Office- The headmaster's office was filled with small burn spots around the office. There were burnt pieces everywhere in the office.

Previous Killing Games- There were two killing games prior to this one. The Virtual Reality Killing game and one that is unknown. The first one was hosted by Hajime Hinata as the second is currently unknown. Apparently, I was a participant in the second.

Shuichi's Lost Memories- Memories of mine were completely erased. Nothing from the second or third year is there. Nor do I have any memories in regard to the students too. But I do remember Kaede Akamastu. That's it though.

Long Boots- There were a pair of long black boots being kept right next to the door of the Monokuma room. Most likely belonging to the mastermind.

Mastermind Clothing- Inside of a closet in the Monokuma room was a pair of clothing that was black and white. Nothing really shows who can fit into it or who would wear something like it.

Virtual Reality Killing Game- There was a virtual reality killing game which also took place on the Hero Academy with an island format. It was isolated from all of society and there were a few NPC avatars. Including the NPC avatar of the mastermind, Hajime Hinata. Hajime states the games were inspired by the 'Dawn's Destiny War' since several participants had some sort of relation toward the war.

Heroes of Dawn- There were a few students listed as "Heroes of Dawn" those being: Sonic The Hedgehog, Kirby, Mario, Chrom Lowell, Link, Byleth Eisner, and Agent 4. The third game includes: Tails, Shuichi Saihara, Bandana Waddle Dee, Furina De Fontaine, Lumine, Alcryst, Celica, and Claude Von Regian. All are stated to have a relation to the Dawn's Destiny War and Team Hero as a whole.

Audition Tapes- There were two tapes found of the mastermind. The first one which was found with the mastermind and someone else with only the legs showing. And the second one which contained the mastermind auditioning officially and sharing ideas before both were cut off abruptly.

Conjoined Labs- There were four labs in the entire school. They all had another lab attached to them. Lumine had an area filled with testing devices. Furina had things that were fit for a ruler. My lab had a piano in it with awards. Finally, Claude's had some microphones and a DJ booth fit for idols.

Student Documents- Back after Trial 4 happened, I discovered class documents. They all belonged to the classes of A103, B148, and C401. D511 was nowhere to be discovered in these but they appear to be pages of the student when first entering the school year.

Mastermind Notes- Alongside the Student Documents were some handwritten notes by the mastermind. They explain details about them such as their interests and their plans. Very little about how they look. Though, the handwriting is neat.

School Year Photographs- A while back, there were photographs of the school year found. They all have all the students together but nothing about their school life. There were also the alleged team hero photographs mixed with them.

Zero School Memories- Nobody in the entire school remembers anything about their life together. People suggest it was a work of Monokuma but not all the memories were wiped off from everyone as they recognize a few people. Only a specific group of people don't remember anyone.

Marth's Account- Marth says that he found all the murder weapons in a garbage bin. All of them are still dirty except for Bandana Waddle Dee's murder weapons which are clean. This suggests that maybe there were more frames than just Celica's.

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