Trial 2| Two Tied, Double Down

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Truth Bullets:

Monokuma File #2- The victim is Miles 'Tails' Prower, better known as Tails. The time of death is 10:30 PM. He was struck in the stomach with poison by an unknown weapon.

Knife In Hand- Tails was holding a knife in his hand. It is unsure as to why he was holding the knife and what he was going to do with it.

Empty Bottle of Poison- Right next to Tails, there was a bottle of poison. However, there was nothing left inside of it.

No Blood Splatter- Originally searching the crime scene, Tails had no trial of blood anywhere around him. The entire area was clean but it was later revealed that he did bleed out. It was just simply cleaned up with cleaning tools; such as a mop.

Death Symbol On Bracelet- While searching Hu Tao's state it appeared that her bracelet was the only one with a red symbol on it. It was later shown this was what was likely to have killed Hu Tao.

Details Toward Hu Tao's Death- Hu Tao is not labeled as a victim based on the Monokuma File. There are suspicions from people that she died from the poison in the bracelet since she tampered around with it.

Shiver's Account- Even though Shiver was struggling to get to her dorm. She made claims that she saw fighting near the dorms. She was unsure of what it was but there were noises of a fight.

Signs of a Struggle- There are signs in Tails' room that he had been attacked or potentially fought with the killer here. There are scratches all over his room and it is a mess.

Tails' Bed Covers- There were two important finds from Tails' bed covers. One thing was it was seemingly on the ground without much explanation. The next thing was that there were blood splatters on his bed, indicating that someone bled out on Tails' covers.

Pulled off Fur- Claude discovered fur that belonged to Tails. However, something about it was a clump of fur. However, there are signs that it was pulled off Tails as clumps of fur from shedding appear different.

Agent 3's Account- Apparently, Agent 3 was also awake when the sounds occurred but it appears as if Shiver didn't see him. He saw Tails fighting the killer but due to the poison and darkness, he was unable to see who the killer was.

Celica's Autopsy Results- Celica found out important clues toward what happened to Hu Tao and Tails. Confirming that Hu Tao died from the bracelet but also Tails was shot in the stomach with some sort of bullet.

Sniper Murder Weapon- Within the boy's locker room, there was a sniper that was discovered. It appeared to be a gas pump which was adjusted to look like a sniper. Lining up with the details of how Tails died.

Tails' Poison Bracelet- Tails' bracelet was found and investigated. Turns out it didn't have anything indicating that he was dead. It was green just like everyone else's which most likely means he didn't die from the poison from the bracelet.

Dining Hall Scratches- Near the doors of the dining hall there were scratches on the wall and on the floor. It was not noticed when everyone first woke up due to the energy but there is suspicion that Monokuma had to interfere with whatever was going on.

Strange Splatter On Stairs- While investigating there was a strange greenish-reddish color on the stairs. There are different debates over what exactly it is. If it is blood, paint or vomit. Another thing that's odd is there is no telling who it had come from, if it was from Tails or the killer.


Monokuma: Here we go! Welcome back everyone to the class trial! Today we are going to be investigating the death of Miles 'Tails' Prower! Better known as Tails to you all. Now a quick reminder of how the rules of the class trial go. You will be debating who had done the murder of Tails! At the end of the trial, you will all decide who did it. If you can figure out the blackened then only they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong one, then I'll punish everyone *besides* the blackened, and the one that deceived everyone else will be able to leave this place. You get the deal...

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