Trial 5| To Starfall Toil

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Truth Bullets:

Monokuma File #5- The victim is Alfred. The time of death is estimated to be 1:30 AM. The location of the body is in the pool water. He drowned in the water but later it shows he was stabbed by an unknown weapon beforehand.

Scattered Blood Splatters- All around the ring of the pool there appeared to be blood scattered all over the place. They ranged from different sizes. It is undetermined whether it came from Alfred or the murder weapon.

Bloody Pool Water- The water's color is a deep bloody color. Which demonstrates how much Alfred had lost. Meaning he had lost a lot of blood to create such a deep color.

Broken Boom- There was a broken broom located near the bleachers. It was originally found in the boys' locker room. It is determined that it was something Alfred used to defend himself from the killer.

Blood Spots on The Carpet- There were small little spots on the carpet in the boys locker room that had blood on them. Most likely, this had to come from Alfred which means he was injured before coming to the pool.

Missing Mess- Originally, before the body discovery there was a mess in the hallways. It included blood, a nameplate, and Alfred's door being opened. Now that was completely cleaned up.

Alear's Account- When Alear came downstairs to come search in Alfred's room. The mess was there; however, when he left the mess was no longer to be found. He also heard the door being closed while investigating Alfred's room.

Janitorial Cleaning Cart- There was a janitorial cleaning cart at the turn of the hallway. The mop had a light color blood stain on it. The water was also bloody as well.

Alfred's Nameplate- The nameplate was also discovered in the trash. It was covered with blood and it is undetermined if it was there beforehand or was added after the whole cleanup.

Hate Note- There was a note discovered in Alfred's room which read: "I hope you die, you horrible human being. Why would you put us through this suffering?"

Celica's Blood Sample- Celica collected a blood sample from the water. She discovered that it had the blood of Alfred and an unknown person. She is unsure who the other blood could belong to.

Celica's Autopsy Results- Alfred was stabbed with a prop sword. There are also signs that lean toward an arrow being another weapon used. As there are small stab wounds that a sword couldn't create.

Dirty Sword- In the props room, there was a sword in there that had blood on it. As well as smears on the handle. This is the murder weapon but it is unclear how it got so dirty.

Shuichi's Hearing- During the night there were strange sounds. Sounds of grunts of someone struggling. But once I investigated, there was nothing there. It was also at 1 AM when I heard the sounds.

Clean Scalpel- Claude went into the pool to search for clues and from there he found the scalpel. It was completely clean and there is not a lot that shows how it got into the pool.

Alfred's Body State- Marth discovered a couple things weird about Alfred's body. His skin tone became paler, he was lighter to carry, there were small holes on his back and finally, his cape was torn up.


Monokuma: Welcome to the fifth class trial everyone! Wow it sure is a little weird to see so many of you left. I mean there was a big class to begin with but I'm shocked to see so many alive!

Marth: Nobody wants to die...

Monokuma: Well I know that! I just need to run down the rules another time!

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