Trial 7| Salvation and Forgetfulness

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Truth Bullets:

Monokuma File #7- The victim is Claude Von Riegan. The time of death was the previous night at 10:30 PM. The location of the body is in Claude's Laboratory. The cause of death is undetermined and difficult to figure out what it is.

Broken Light Bulb- While coming in there was the broken light bulb. That ended up affecting the light in the room and made it go completely dark. However, there are no clues to show how it ended up exploding.

Smoke Bombs- Claude had managed to find a way to create smoke bombs to drive people's attention over. He had created two, one that blew up a few days ago and one that blew up a few hours before the body was discovered.

Sudden Explosion- A few hours before discovering the body, one of the bombs ended up going off. However, Claude was dead for nearly a day. There is no understanding as to how the bomb managed to get triggered.

Claude's Disappearances- Claude was basically running away from Monokuma and everyone. People suggest he was trying to finalize his plan in secret or he was really running away from everyone. But he did cause the reason why a mass search was created.

Sliced Neck- Claude's neck has three different cuts on it. The first and the second ones are small wounds. However, the third cut is a larger one. It is undetermined if it came from one dagger or the several that were on the ground.

Dagger in Head- There was a dagger thrown inside of Claude's head and it went straight through his forehead. There could be a chance the daggers on the ground could've hit his head at first but ended up missing.

Nails in Legs- There is one nail in each of his legs. There is an idea that these nails were put before Claude ended up dying. They pinned him straight through the wall. There is no telling as to why Claude didn't scream.

Upside Down State- Claude was hanging upside down. There was rope around his arms to show how he was tied up. There could be a chance the killer put himself like this or he fell down and spun around to appear upside down.

Dagger Thrower Machine- There was a machine across the room designed to shoot daggers out. There were two still loaded in still. There were four at the crime scene which meant the daggers that were on the ground and in Claude's head were shot from this machine. Maybe the killer loaded it or Claude did.

Claude's Motivation- Claude had one goal in his mind and that he was going to find a way to uncover who the mastermind really was. He was focused on trying to find a way to kill the mastermind in particular. The plan could've backfired against Claude or it actually managed to be successful.

Alcryst's Account- Alcryst and Shuichi were together last night trying to look for Claude. However, Alcryst ended up tripping and falling onto the ground. Earlier on, he was screaming over the state of the room.

Marth's Account- Marth was investigating with Shiver. He heard sounds around the time of the death, there was grunting and even some yelling. Yelling that didn't even come from Alcryst. He also heard footsteps that were likely to be Alcryst and Shuichi's.

Potential Trap Layout- There was a sheet of paper detailing the entire trap Claude had wanted to set up for the mastermind. It is still difficult to determine if Claude dying was a result of the trap or not.

Mastermind Sheet- Claude had a sheet of paper of who the mastermind could end up being. From the guys alive, Marth, Alear and Shuichi were all safe while Alcryst was highly likely to be the mastermind. None of the girls were labeled since the mastermind was confirmed to be a guy.

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