Chapter 4| Incoming Dust Ties| Deadly Life

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I stood there in complete shock over what was going on. Eirika was dead right in front of my eyes. I dashed out and tried looking for anyone. I was still burning but none of that mattered, I needed to find someone. And to my surprise, I found Marth.

Shuichi: MARTH!

Marth: Shuichi? What's the matter-

Shuichi: You have to follow me! Eirika was found dead in the equipment room!

Marth: H-How do you- nevermind!

Marth dashed over to the equipment room and it seemed like someone else overheard me. It was Shez, he dashed past me as I followed the two back into the equipment room. We all found the body of Eirika on the ground with the tarp. Absolutely distraught over what had occurred...

Announcement from Monokuma: Hello hello everyone! The temperatures will be fixed soon and that means one thing! A body has been discovered! Head to the equipment room to discover who it is!

Shez: So she really is dead...

Marth: Yes...

Shez: Hang on, Shuichi, how come you were heading to the equipment room?!

Shuichi: I was looking for clues for the mastermind and thought about looking in here. Didn't think I would... discover a body.

I had to lie to them, otherwise they would be on my ass about me wanting to kill myself. But I'm sure this is going to be used against me.

Celica: W-Who died- EIRIKA!?

Meta Knight: It didn't take long for the motive to get to someone's head. It's completely baffling how many times someone had the audacity to fall for such an idiotic trick so many times.

Marth: I know... if only people weren't so gullible then maybe we could've had a chance to survive this TIME! S-Sorry.

Shuichi: You're excused. Well, what exactly would have caused this?

Marth: I wonder... the place is nearly cleaned up whole. All there is to show is the tarp and Eirika's dead body.

Lucina: Why would someone do such a thing?! I-...

Marth: Lucina, weren't you close friends with Eirika?

Lucina: I was, she and I were very close with one another in fact. We were... basically best friends...

I could see the sadness that filled Lucina as she nearly engulfed herself in tears. Celica came to her help and the two walked out of the room. The rest of us were just standing there as we finally stopped sweating. Monokuma did say the temperatures were finally going back to normal, but that didn't help the fact someone died.

Marth: This... is going to be tough to find clues for.

Meta Knight: We shouldn't stress ourselves over this. At least it's not a double murder compared to the previous ones.

Lumine: You're right, even though the one with Tails and Hu Tao wasn't technically a "double-murder" it still was hard to gather clues. So maybe this time it'll be easier?

Monokuma: Well hellooo everyone! Glad to see everyone has arrived to see how Eirika was killed!

Shuichi: Good grief.

Monokuma: What have you all pissed off over my introduction? I mean let's be honest, at least I'm here to give you guys the Monokuma file!

Alcryst: But... how do we even discover who is responsible for killing Eirika...?

Claude: He's obviously not going to tell any of you guys. I mean, this is Monokuma we're talking about.

Alfred: Look who's finally come back to their senses. Was the temperature messing with your mind?

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