(10.) - A Succubus in The Black Market.

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     I shed a slight sweat as I saw the overwhelming numbers that blocked my way. Guess I wasn't quick enough with my activation of 'Dimensional Doorway'...
But no biggie - even if I've been found out, I can still leave—

| Unfortunately Master, [Dimensional Doorway] is being blocked by a Teleportation interruption spell that has been placed just now. |

Now wait a second- when did they have time to set that up?!

I shed an even bigger sweat, as the demon looking woman on the front smirked lightly, all the cloaked figures behind her preparing for a confrontation.

"Now then, tell me... Why are you here tonight, my Dear Guest?"

She suddenly asked, before her eyes glowed with a very light pink glow, being followed up by pink mist which she released. The mist quickly engulfed me as a strange feeling began to hit me.
It felt almost like... I was falling asleep...

So dizzy... The hell is this—?

Yolsi smirk turned even wider as the glow of her eyes increased in intensity, causing me to feel more and more sleepy.

| Oh no YOU don't! |

The Ancient One suddenly shouted, before the sleepiness was shattered immediately. I quickly closed my eyes, shaking my head before switching to using 'Overworld Detection' for my vision.

Yolsi looked surprised, as she backed up a bit - her wide smirk disappearing in an instant.

"How did you..."

'Hypnosis Magic?...'

| Something like that - Only way more powerful. That woman is a type of Demon-kin known as a 'Succubus'.|

| They're known for their extraordinary hypnosis abilities as well as mind control capabilities. Most individuals are unable to resist a Succubus Mind Controlling spell. |

I see...
Basically she's bad news. That's what I got from the Ancient Ones explanation there. I backed up a bit, as the woman exhaled.

"You know what- no biggie. I didn't need you under my control anyway. Cease him."

She ordered the cloaked figures, who immediately began to approach. Reacting quickly, I used 'Shadow Manipulation' and called out the Shadow Slave - the Assassin - and two Shadow Beasts, before ordering them to keep the cloaked figures busy.

The Succubus and the Cloaked Figures backed up in surprise, all of them taken back by the sudden summoning of the three Shadow Beasts. As the two giant Shadow Beasts roared, the Shadow Slave drew its katana, before all three of them charged the cloaked figures and the Succubus, causing them to split in response.

Meanwhile I quickly used 'Shadow Manipulation' to move out into the open, before beginning to leg it back to the point from where I had entered. The Succubus scuffed, dashing up into the air as the Two massive Shadow Beasts continued their rampage.
After looking around for a bit, she caught onto me before dashing towards me, however being knocked out of the air and grabbed by the throat by the Shadow Slave, who threw her against the ground, landing infront of her.

Yolsi brushed off her clothes, before getting up and extending her wings out.

"Fufu... So you want to fight me? Very well..."

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